Any ladies here that run their own business?

Any ladies here that run their own business?



Original Poster:

2,176 posts

264 months

Wednesday 21st May 2008
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Helping a friend out with some research, do we have any ladies here that run their own business, or are in a very senior position?


1,304 posts

222 months

Wednesday 21st May 2008
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My wife's always in a senior position boxedin


2,501 posts

210 months

Sunday 25th May 2008
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I am director, company secretary and dogs body! hehe


4,415 posts

212 months

Sunday 25th May 2008
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My Sis owns her own event company, based in Lamport.
Any help?

Naughty Magpie

1,484 posts

249 months

Tuesday 27th May 2008
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I run my own business. One woman band though.


9,881 posts

254 months

Wednesday 28th May 2008
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Racylady is a Solicitor with her own practice if it helps.