Flood of viruses ?



Original Poster:

4,415 posts

280 months

Tuesday 19th August 2003
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Is anyone else getting an exceptional number of viruses today in their email ? I've had about 25 to 30 this afternoon alone !



25,133 posts

295 months

Tuesday 19th August 2003
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Seems that gemini is

Can't say I've seen anything out of the ordinary; the volume of people who can guarantee to enlarge my 'manhood' remains constant.


8,893 posts

278 months

Tuesday 19th August 2003
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Sobig.F its a new variant, if you think you have it bad I am seeing several hundred along with a couple of thousand blaster worms and Welchia infections....ho-hum isnt the Internet great.


7,156 posts

288 months

Tuesday 19th August 2003
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We had a load blocked at work today...one poor guy got 30 virus messages in the space of a 5 minute call to the helpdesk.



11,352 posts

275 months

Wednesday 20th August 2003
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51 virus messages this AM when I turned on email - thats since last night at 11pm

why do these twats feel sthe need to block up everyones computers

if only they out their creative minds to good use!

too much to ask

so itll be another £30 at the computer shop?


6,110 posts

270 months

Thursday 21st August 2003
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Yeah - same here: inbox stuffed full of infected spam, and for some reason our server based AV software didn't pick any of them up Luckily I have Norton AV on my PC as well


5,252 posts

278 months

Thursday 21st August 2003
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I got over 100 emails with the virus attached ????.jpg.bat or scr.pif



90,105 posts

295 months

Thursday 21st August 2003
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Your email addresses have probably been harvested from something off the net that you have put your name/email address to like petitions or joining a site for free membership to do just one thing (like voting on the Seat Cupra site in another thread on here).

The best thing to do although it's a little late for the current lot is to sign up for a hotmail account and use this always for everything and keep a personal email address for friends and family.

Above all do not respond (the "click here to be removed from our mailing") to any spam emails, virus or no virus all you do is confirm your existance and you'll get loads more sent to you. If you do not respond you will eventually be thought of as a dead mailbox and hopefully they will start to slow and stop.


6,110 posts

270 months

Thursday 21st August 2003
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I would also heartily recommend Mailwasher for keeping your inbox minty fresh and clutter free

Ballistic Banana

14,702 posts

278 months

Friday 22nd August 2003
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stc_bennett said:
I got over 100 emails with the virus attached ????.jpg.bat or scr.pif


Apparently i had sent one to you steve, that was bounced back to me as undelivered.

It had a W32.Nofer.A@mm Virus.

It wasnt Me that sent u it ok