kazza lite problems



Original Poster:

1,281 posts

268 months

Monday 18th August 2003
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Is anyone else experiancing kazza lite problems? Mine will not download anything. It says its connected, but nothing is downloading (and they're not uncommon songs.) Also when I search it says nothing could be found within a second, IE, its not searching. Suggestions?


67,280 posts

281 months

Monday 18th August 2003
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Dont use Kazaa for music would be the best advice...


5,252 posts

278 months

Monday 18th August 2003
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which p2p would you suggest for music


67,280 posts

281 months

Monday 18th August 2003
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10,430 posts

259 months

Monday 18th August 2003
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and the reason not to use it is because it is been cracked down on by the RIAA...



Original Poster:

1,281 posts

268 months

Tuesday 19th August 2003
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docevi1 said:



1,175 posts

265 months

Tuesday 19th August 2003
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alan_driver said:

docevi1 said:


Recording Industry Association of America


1,941 posts

285 months

Tuesday 19th August 2003
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docevi1 said:
and the reason not to use it is because it is been cracked down on by the RIAA...


how are they going to catch people? generally, you sign in with an anonymous email and details etc, and most peoples ip addresses are dynamic.
i am just curious to know.


67,280 posts

281 months

Tuesday 19th August 2003
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Using these terrorism laws they can force the ISP's to provide which user grabbed which IP at which time.

They are then going to those users with the details provided with the ISP's and fining them on a per song basis.

Truly ridiculous and the most short sighted thing of recent times.

Death to the recording industry on the basis as if any more reason was needed after New Kids On The Block.


1,941 posts

285 months

Tuesday 19th August 2003
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plotloss said:
Using these terrorism laws they can force the ISP's to provide which user grabbed which IP at which time.

They are then going to those users with the details provided with the ISP's and fining them on a per song basis.

Truly ridiculous and the most short sighted thing of recent times.

Death to the recording industry on the basis as if any more reason was needed after New Kids On The Block.

cheers for the info, and i totally agree about it being short sighted.
the funniest story i have heard is that sony music sued sony products for there mp3 players as they promote illegal music downloads etc


1,536 posts

263 months

Tuesday 19th August 2003
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Thats true, but they can only prosecute people living in the US. The British Phonographic Industry (BPI) do not have the same legislative rights and cannot prosecute in this manner. Although they will be considering it in the near future.


67,280 posts

281 months

Tuesday 19th August 2003
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I cant see the BPI ever being allowed to run a similar scheme in the UK, we just dont work like that as a nation.