exchange 2000 guides



Original Poster:

3,198 posts

276 months

Monday 18th August 2003
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Does anyone know of any good sites that have a guide to exchange 2000 with screen shots for just the basic stuff??



1,536 posts

263 months

Monday 18th August 2003
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Theres this one:

The site below is geared towards Small Business Server but their Exchange 2000 section is still mostly valid for Win 2k platform:

This one has some good tutorials:

Hope this is of some help to you.


Original Poster:

3,198 posts

276 months

Monday 18th August 2003
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jam1et said:
Theres this one:

The site below is geared towards Small Business Server but their Exchange 2000 section is still mostly valid for Win 2k platform:

This one has some good tutorials:

Hope this is of some help to you.

excellent one of these gave a link to which is perfect thanks jam1et!!!