Chris Stockton beats Lee!!!??

Chris Stockton beats Lee!!!??



Original Poster:

6 posts

254 months

Monday 18th August 2003
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What a man, just comes into the Challenge and wins.
What is his secret?
Who is preparing his car and what is the history of that car?
No matter of how good or bad the car actually is. He sincerely deserves a lot of respect, as Lee has been very difficult to beat this season as Mrs Keen and Mason will testify.



34,443 posts

309 months

Monday 18th August 2003
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The car is Andy Britnell's old car and Steve Guglielmi has been helping him set it up. He is simply a brilliant driver though - tends to go off the boil a bit mid race I've noticed and then come back with a flurry.


1,426 posts

275 months

Monday 18th August 2003
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tuscanbackender said:
as Mrs Keen and Mason will testify.


Mrs Keen was he wearing awig at the weekend then !!


Original Poster:

6 posts

254 months

Monday 18th August 2003
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Apologies To Mr keen and Mr Mason!
It was a typing mistake!


2,820 posts

290 months

Monday 18th August 2003
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Lee still finished 2nd with a misfire!


2 posts

254 months

Monday 18th August 2003
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as most of u no the best overtaking place at thruxton is the run from church to the chicane.lee had lined up stockton on the run from church upto the chicane and then peter wheelers bonnet flew off bringing out the yellow flag stoping his final assault on the you think anyone would have caught him with the lead he had before the engine started cutting out?


34,443 posts

309 months

Monday 18th August 2003
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Credit where credit is due. Whatever the reasons, he was up there close enough to snatch the win. Good on him.


2,820 posts

290 months

Monday 18th August 2003
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Chris Stockton drove a brilliant race. Should be a close run finish at Castle Combe. Phil Keen is still looking for his first win. David Mason should not be far behind! Mark Johnston will be back (new bonnet!) Oh! and who led a couple of laps here last time?



28,377 posts

290 months

Monday 18th August 2003
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Very impressive. I also thought that Andy H (griff2be) did well. But Andy - your group of four got a bit processional...I was hoping throughout the race you were going to go for a do-or-die time eh? You can't have Rod keeping you at bay like that...

What happened to Peter Wheeler...? I've never seen him trailing along at the back like that. Was there something wrong with the car? Its hardly likely he's getting too old for it....

insane racing

46 posts

259 months

Monday 18th August 2003
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Well.. let me stick my pennies worth in here..

Bloody good weekend all round I think.

Well Done to Chris (Stockton).. a 2nd and a first position win. We all know Lee had engine misfire problems etc., but the nature of racing is the whole package.. the car, the driver, the team.. everything.
It can't be 100% all the time (as hard as we all try).. but I think it's gonna be a miracle if anyone beats him in the championship now.. great driver, reliable car, great team.

Another 'well done' to Andy (N0.6) for completing 2 full races (does his nickname now change to 2 race Holden instead of 2 laps?). It was nice to be doing a bit of defending from a team mate, but even better to see no 'red mist' appear and the crash, bang, wallop that inevitably follows.

The previous comment about us being a bit processional maybe true from a spectators viewpoint, but believe me, we were all trying bloody hard to edge our way through without pranging the cars or each other. Personally, I'm more focussed on my 6th position overall, than trying to gain a place through excessive brovado, and not finishing at all. I wouldn't hear the end of it from that dastardly Rodney Hawthorns (29) if he was to (somehow) be in front of me overall. Everyone's well aware that Rodney's being kept in his rightful place.. the blunt end. (And Rodders... just a reminder.. best lap time of the weekend?... hee.. hee!.. I kept that one quiet until after the weekend).

Lastly thanks to Pete Osbourne for lending me his paint... on my rear wing. I haven't been 13th in a race for a while.. brings back memories. I'm having a spare bonnet moulded for Castle Combe :-)


Anyway.. 2 more weekends to go.. lot's of exciting races to drive in (& watch),, C/Combe should be a stonker as always, and can't wait for the new Brands layout to play with. May even have a special celebrity drving with us (powerslide king) for that one.. still planning!




5,089 posts

273 months

Monday 18th August 2003
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Don said:
Very impressive. I also thought that Andy H (griff2be) did well. But Andy - your group of four got a bit processional...I was hoping throughout the race you were going to go for a do-or-die time eh? You can't have Rod keeping you at bay like that...

What happened to Peter Wheeler...? I've never seen him trailing along at the back like that. Was there something wrong with the car? Its hardly likely he's getting too old for it....

Thanks Don. I was delighted with Saturday - particularly after a torrid practice session (a HUGE spin at Church and then a stupid mistake in the chicane - backwards over the kerb = a rear wheel that is now only fit to be a coffee table) so session cut short for me, I will admit to 1) hating the track and 2) being a bit scared!!

Qualifying was therefore an extension of practice - I used it to get comfortable with the lines. I did one slightly quicker lap to confirm I knew what I was doing and parked up. I said mid-session I was not bothered if I qualified last and that was how it panned out. Given how I was feeling earlier in the day I was simply happy to have got comfortable with the track!

That made all the difference in the world for the race and I knew I would get at least 2-3 places now that I felt confident and could start to push.

Rod and Jan had a coming together at the first bend, thanks chaps, I'll have you both (now 14th). I then got a run round the outside of Peter Wheeler which gave me the inside for the next bend (13th). Church, the fastest corner on the circuit and what I feared in the morning, was now my best friend, and I found I could make up huge amounts exiting this sweeping right hander. 5th gear, balanced throttle, nail it on the way out and use the whole width of the track. Lovely!!

Doing this on the second lap I got a good run up to Hugh Marshall, and nipped up the inside into the chicane (12th).

One lap later I got even more speed out of Church, reeled in Carl Hanson and did a textbook slipstream/slingshot on the run down to the chicane (11th).

(By now I'm in heaven by the way!!!)

I then chased down Pete Osbourne who was doing battle with Wayne Phelan. Got up pretty close to put pressure on Pete and waited for them to make a mistake. Which they duly did - Pete locked up into the right/left complex and bumped Wayne wide - so I nipped through (10th). Only Pete had unsettled himself and lost momentum and I got a good run into the next corner, held the inside line and bingo - 9th.

There was a big gap between me and Darren in 8th, so I then eased off a bit. Wayne managed to get past Pete and closed up on me, but I found that provided I kept my lines tidy I was never really under threat. He had a look up the inside at Church - which surprised me - I didn't see how he could get through there and keep it on the track. I maintained my line, turned in and got the power down. Looked in my mirrors - nothing! Apparently he backed off and the back snapped out - big spin and lost his diffuser in the field. Shame

I then slowed down - not wanting to throw it away with a mistake - Pete closed up but there was no way I was going to let him past - so 9th place in my first full Tuscan race. Very very happy!!

My lap times had come down by nearly 2.5 seconds!

The car was great - had superb drive out of corners - very very happy with it.

And a lot of beer was consumed that evening!!!

The Feature race was a bit disappointing for me - and the fact that I now class 11th as disappointing is a reflection of how quickly you need to change your objectives!

The starter motor on the car was playing up and although I tried to forget it, it was in the back of my mind. I promptly stalled on the formation lap grid, and only just got the car going. So you can imagine I was a bit pre-occupied for the proper start. I also had some vapour/smoke coming out of the bonnet when we formed up - not another Rockingham surely?!!!

As the lights changed I had too many revs - too much wheel spin and stayed in 1st too long - 3 cars went past me - Osbourne, Barrett and Hanson. Bugger! I fought back into the first corner and was side by side with Hanson - we hit - fortunately wheel to wheel, but I kept the power on and got past him. The poor bugger was also hit on the other side by Hugh and spun.

Wayne managed to get past me at Goodwood - I didn't defend very well!

By now I had coolant leaking and spraying onto the windscreen - this then got covered in dust from the edges of the track where the ruts had been filled in with chalk. Vision was not great!

Neither was the water temperature! I was in a dilemma - race Rod and Wayne and risk boiling over, or settle back and nurse the car home, defending Jan.

I decided to back off and get a finish - only Rod and Wayne slowed each other up so much that I found myself right up behind them. After a few laps I thought I would go for it - and hope the engine lasted. As you say Don, it became quite processional - but from where I was sitting it was quite different!

I had a look up the outside to Goodwood and Wayne came chopping across the front of me - ad I not dabbed the brakes hard we would have hit.

I had more speed through the pair of them through Church - on one lap I was about an inch of the back of Wayne at the clipping point desperately feathering the throttle to avoid hitting him but not spin out. I had a look up the inside and down the outside, but couldn't quite get the run on him. By now the water temp on my car was sky high and the ECU cut power, so on the drag down to the chicane I was at a disadvantage.

As for the do or die move, there were only 7 days until the next meeting (not much time for big repairs!) and I wanted to finish - so I didn't try a last gasp move that could have ended in tears.

The tyres were well past their best from about lap 4 and I was constantly fighting the car. At one point through Church I needed full lock to correct a slide. Jan following me said it was hugely entertaining - the car picking up the inside front wheel and I was often very sideways. My arms were knackered at the end of the race!! But great fun!

So 11th it was. If you told me I'd get 11th before the weekend I would have been very happy. But now my horizons have changed, it is not good enough!!

Even so, these were only my 7th and 8th races ever, in any type of car (and races 5, 6 and 7 only lasted 2 laps each!)- I am learning a huge amount each time I go out. I need to improve my starts and race craft, but I'm only going to get quicker.....

Rod and Wayne - you're toast boys!!!


28,377 posts

290 months

Monday 18th August 2003
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Great race reports chaps...

So was there in-car video from your cars for the Sky coverage? I'd love to see it all from *your* perspective...


5,089 posts

273 months

Monday 18th August 2003
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Don said:
Great race reports chaps...

So was there in-car video from your cars for the Sky coverage? I'd love to see it all from *your* perspective...

Sorry Don - neither the two Blunty chaps (no's 5 and 29) or the faster, slimmer and better looking no 6 had cameras on board.

In the unlikely event they get in front of me again barring mechanical problems I'll do the crowd pleasing thing and pass them...

(Did Mrs Don enjoy the weekend despite Rodney's poor showing?)

insane racing

46 posts

259 months

Monday 18th August 2003
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Not a bad report.. if it makes you feel better

You're right that Pete and I had a coming together, but it wasn't my mistake ("waited for them to make a mistake. Which they duly did"). Pete locked his wheels up and hit me, spinning me off. Because of this my rear diffuser was dislodged, giving me no down-force and therefore no rear-end grip. Having got back on the track and caught you guys up with ease, I found my car was sliding around more slippery than an Accountant with a speadsheet (!). Then having taken Pete I was right behind you. With my best lap time done and dusted before the incident (lap 2 I recall when the tyres are still warming up!) I had to settle for safe-play. Going round you at Church my diffuser finally gave-way and the car span off... managed to get it back on the track, but not before everyone and their mother had passed me (think I even saw a Milk float) and limped in for 13th place.

"Wayne managed to get past me at Goodwood - I didn't defend very well! "

Can't handle the competition mate... get out of the kitchen!...

"By now I had coolant leaking and spraying onto the windscreen - this then got covered in dust from the edges of the track where the ruts had been filled in with chalk. Vision was not great! "

Anything else.. was your bottom lip hurting from all the pouting at the last race?

"Neither was the water temperature! "
Oh.. that's what happened... don't tell me, it slowed you down?... really?... are you sure?..., strange cos your 2nd and 3rd quickest lap times were laps 9 & 11... hhmm.. how the memory adjusts things

"I had a look up the outside to Goodwood and Wayne came chopping across the front of me - ad I not dabbed the brakes hard we would have hit."

Something you'll learn matey.. it's called taking a racing line... the day you have to brake hard because of me is the day they make a helmet big enough for you.. not that you blow your own trumpet of course

"I had more speed through the pair of them through Church - on one lap I was about an inch of the back of Wayne at the clipping point desperately feathering the throttle to avoid hitting him but not spin out. I had a look up the inside and down the outside, but couldn't quite get the run on him. By now the water temp on my car was sky high and the ECU cut power, so on the drag down to the chicane I was at a disadvantage."

Dear Sir.. can I please place an order for your latest title "the reason I couldn't..." I'm sure it's your best seller, even though it's a fictional title.

"The tyres were well past their best from about lap 4 and I was constantly fighting the car. At one point through Church I needed full lock to correct a slide. Jan following me said it was hugely entertaining"

".. no.. I seem to recall Jan saying.. the way you drive is hugely entertaining... translation from Swedish is entertaining=laughable.

"Rod and Wayne - you're toast boys!!!"
Thank you very much.. I like Toast... not too keen on Squash though ... although you may like it.. we'll see at Castle Combe!

Have a nice day


Rod... over to you!


28,377 posts

290 months

Monday 18th August 2003
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griff2be said:

(Did Mrs Don enjoy the weekend despite Rodney's poor showing?)

She did indeed...although on our next visit to Thruxton we will eschew the grandstand in favour of our own chairs by Cobb and Segrave - as all the slow car action was in the Chicane we felt we were missing the faster cars overtaking...


5,089 posts

273 months

Monday 18th August 2003
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Wayne I'm flattered you took the trouble to look up the lap times mate.

The tongue in cheek comments are just that...

insane racing

46 posts

259 months

Monday 18th August 2003
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Always happy to remind anyone on the grid of their times etc., especially back runners like yourself (and Rodney Hawthorns of course) require it.

Banter is just that... banter :-)


120 posts

260 months

Monday 18th August 2003
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Never have I heard such a load of piss poor excuses no:6, "my engines too hot", "there's fluid on my screen" "I've got chalk dust in my hair", what a load of old bollocks!!!!!

No 5 and myself had all the same sort of minor little irritations and a lot more besides, due to our superior speed and hence greater stress on our cars, but do you hear us whinging and moaning, No, why, because we're real Tuscan drivers,men of steel with ice water running through our vains, pushing both ourselves and the machines to the limits, dispite looking the grime reaper right in the face, and saying, " yes, and you want what exactly", men, not fresh faced boy's who have to buy race suits a size larger in the crutch in case thier "balls drop"......No: 5 and I have decided that we shall submit your entry for C.C., as the only girl in the race,

Miss Kay Hunt,
The main orifice
The cockwell inn


2,820 posts

290 months

Monday 18th August 2003
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insane racing

46 posts

259 months

Monday 18th August 2003
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Thanks for your contribution with the lap time link, but honestly I don't think it's fair to keep harping on about the fact that my lap times throughout the whole weekend were consistently quicker than the scum that have already made themselves look stupid in this forum already. No stop it James. No.. don't mention my 1:19:062 during qualifying, please don't.. it just hurts them more, the snivelling little rodents that they are.