Greeting and intro



Original Poster:

8 posts

202 months

Thursday 8th May 2008
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There does not seem to be a general into type section so I thought I would say hello here in NZ.

I moved to NZ, (Wellington to be exact) in Feb last year and am loving it.
The fact that I purchased my dream car here, (R34 GTR)may have something to do with that. But the people are great and the weather is not as bad as people make out, I wont mention the great roads and silly speed limits :-)



16,014 posts

241 months

Thursday 8th May 2008
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Howdy and welcome to the nuthouse thumbup

How about some photos of the Datsun? hehe


31,343 posts

265 months

Thursday 8th May 2008
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Wow our own Ricer!! biggrin

Welcome to PH/NZ!


6,371 posts

294 months

Thursday 8th May 2008
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Welcome in Stretch smile

Yeah, please to be posting some photos of your Banzai Turbonutter Tofutaxi smile Those R34s are proper mental!

Does yours have anything done to it modification-wise?


4,391 posts

268 months

Thursday 8th May 2008
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wavey Welcome aboard. Glad you got your dream car and your enjoying life here in NZ smile


221 posts

251 months

Thursday 8th May 2008
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Kiwi XTR2

2,693 posts

243 months

Thursday 8th May 2008
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Welcome aboard wavey

Pics & specs of the GT-R would be good.

There's some interesting looking sprints/hillclimbs in the Wellington region if your keen.


Original Poster:

8 posts

202 months

Saturday 10th May 2008
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She is fairly standard as GTR's go.
Cat back exhaust
HSK F-con Vpro tuned by Andre at Speedtech
1.2 Bar boost

276kW (370hp) ATH
444Nm ATH

Next mods are going to be cosmetic as that really is enough power for the road, for now anyway :-)

Edited by StretchGSK on Saturday 10th May 11:40


6,371 posts

294 months

Saturday 10th May 2008
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Nice... that's PLENTY of power anyway. Similar power to what Kylie's beast is putting out and that's mindblowingly fast when it gets up on boost!


4,391 posts

268 months

Monday 12th May 2008
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eerr when it was in stock formwink


6,371 posts

294 months

Monday 12th May 2008
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Kylie said:
eerr when it was in stock formwink
370bhp at the hubs is probably about 420-430bhp at the engine, so not too far off what Memphis is laying downwink

Kiwi XTR2

2,693 posts

243 months

Monday 12th May 2008
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Esprit said:
Kylie said:
eerr when it was in stock formwink
370bhp at the hubs is probably about 420-430bhp at the engine, so not too far off what Memphis is laying downwink
You've been warned about that before George.

You'll get no sympathy from us if you accidently get a knee in the Meltdown hehe


4,391 posts

268 months

Monday 12th May 2008
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Wise words Graham hehe

Its not called Memphis tongue out
Its not called Memphis tongue out
Its not called Memphis tongue out
Its not called Memphis tongue out
Its not called Memphis tongue out
Its not called Memphis tongue out
Its not called Memphis tongue out
Its not called Memphis tongue out
Its not called Memphis tongue out
Its not called Memphis tongue out
Its not called Memphis tongue out
Its not called Memphis tongue out
Its not called Memphis tongue out

Yeah I know but....the name will come like good things take time right!


6,371 posts

294 months

Monday 12th May 2008
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Kylie said:
Wise words Graham hehe

Its not called Memphis tongue out
Its not called Memphis tongue out
Its not called Memphis tongue out
Its not called Memphis tongue out
Its not called Memphis tongue out
Its not called Memphis tongue out
Its not called Memphis tongue out
Its not called Memphis tongue out
Its not called Memphis tongue out
Its not called Memphis tongue out
Its not called Memphis tongue out
Its not called Memphis tongue out
Its not called Memphis tongue out

Yeah I know but....the name will come like good things take time right!
Like I said Kylie... he's called Memphis until you've arrived at a suitable name.... he just needs a real name is allsmile

Stretch, is your username a GlaxoSmithKline reference, or does GSK stand for something completely unrelated?


Original Poster:

8 posts

202 months

Thursday 15th May 2008
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I take it that Kylie has taken to long to name her car?
What is wrong with Memphis anyway?

My GTR is called Erin as I think all cars are ladies

I only noticed the GlaxoSmithKline after I started using the nic.
Seeing as you asked GSK refers to G-Spot King which is something my wife called me one night ;-)


31,343 posts

265 months

Thursday 15th May 2008
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My forester is called Frodo.

its ugly , short, bit hairy in places and takes ages but gets there eventualy


6,371 posts

294 months

Friday 16th May 2008
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StretchGSK said:
I take it that Kylie has taken to long to name her car?
What is wrong with Memphis anyway?

My GTR is called Erin as I think all cars are ladies

I only noticed the GlaxoSmithKline after I started using the nic.
Seeing as you asked GSK refers to G-Spot King which is something my wife called me one night ;-)
Yeah, Kylie's last Esprit was called "Black Beauty", a rather apt name. She said she was going to have to come up with a name for her new one, but has yet to. In the meantime, the PH collective came up with the name "Memphis" in reference to the Esprit 350's fragile reputation (Memphis being derived from "Memphis Meltdown", which is the name of an ice-cream here). Obviously Kylie's not too taken with this and until she comes up with a proper name, her S350 is to be officially known as Memphis.

As for my car, it's probably not a good juncture to point out my new one doesn't have a name. The old one was 'Liz, the Silver Bullet.... Having said that, everyone calls it "the SEXIGE" because of the plate, so I guess that's close enough to a name for me smile

As for GSK... I think that's probably TMI hehe


Original Poster:

8 posts

202 months

Friday 16th May 2008
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OK I can see why she is not keen on the name.
I will have to give this ice cream a go as I have not tried it but the ad does crack me up.


31,343 posts

265 months

Friday 16th May 2008
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Big Bikkie!! Lovely stuff considering theres no Ben & Gerrys in NZ.

Kiwi XTR2

2,693 posts

243 months

Friday 16th May 2008
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Esprit said:
Yeah, Kylie's last Esprit was called "Black Beauty", a rather apt name. She said she was going to have to come up with a name for her new one, but has yet to. In the meantime, the PH collective came up with the name "Memphis" in reference to the Esprit 350's fragile reputation (Memphis being derived from "Memphis Meltdown", which is the name of an ice-cream here). Obviously Kylie's not too taken with this and until she comes up with a proper name, her S350 is to be officially known as Memphis.
It was actually because of one particular type of Memphis Meltdown

. . . and I had nothing to do with it. whistle