just a quick question



Original Poster:

149 posts

266 months

Saturday 16th August 2003
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I have been told to use sharereactor.com for downloading movies, is this best web site to use and if it is do i need a program called eMule/eDonkey as well?? as i don't actually know what it does. I am as you have probably guessed a bit of a retard on the old computer.


10,430 posts

259 months

Sunday 17th August 2003
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Sharereactor is simply a linking engine for the eDonkey network so you'll need a eDonkey client. I prefer overnet (make sure you download the GUI version not the cli).

Having said that, remember that it is illegal to do so and at present the RIAA is clamping down on illegal music transfers and the movie industry is shortly to follow suit.

If you are downloading things and generally doing naughty, illegal activites prepare to pay the consquences when they occur (massive fines, bans from using computers, blacklisted & police record)
