Nokia PC Sync 5.1



Original Poster:

1,409 posts

268 months

Friday 15th August 2003
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I'm trying to put this onto an XP Pro computer. I have had it working before, but for some reason it ground to a halt. Did the usual wipe off and reinstall, but to no avail.

After installation, the computer should reboot (which it does) and then ask to complete setup (which it doesn't). Then it just keeps giving me Interface Not Supported Errors. The Connection Manager is then totally useless, and it won't let me get at the advanced tab to re-set up.

The IRdA port is working fine - the phone modem is working, and I can synchronise my iPaq through the PDA.

Anybody help?


10,857 posts

278 months

Friday 15th August 2003
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Do you have another utility thats grabbed the IRDa port?

My Palm Hotsync grabs the IRDa port and doesn't give it back, meaning you have to shut Hotsync down if you want to sync via the IR port.

Thats all I can think of right now.