Northants XIII Hoon Pics

Northants XIII Hoon Pics



Original Poster:

147 posts

205 months

Sunday 4th May 2008
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Original Poster:

147 posts

205 months

Sunday 4th May 2008
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13,993 posts

260 months

Sunday 4th May 2008
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Good pictures smile
Looks like I left too early and missed some peeps, was looking forward to seeing Shnozz's new motor frown

Edited by missdiane on Sunday 4th May 20:52


16,745 posts

228 months

Monday 5th May 2008
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Fat bloke spotted redface


12,423 posts

283 months

Monday 5th May 2008
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central said:
Fat bloke spotted redface
Next to phat car smile


1,198 posts

266 months

Monday 5th May 2008
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It was a good Hoon biggrin, I'm glad the rain kept off for all the rag toppers, and I'm glad my Alfa made it in one piece. Some awesome sounding and looking motors and nice to put names to faces, looking forward to the next meetbounce.