Importing a kit car from UK into NZ
Hi, we're currently thinking about a move from the UK to NZ (Wellington area). I have a kit car (Ultima GTR) that is about 60% complete. I've looked through the forum and found some information relating to import but I still have a couple of questions I hope that someone will be able to either assist with or point me in the direction of somewhere I could do some additional research.
1) Is there any difference between importing the car as "parts" as opposed to a complete\registered car.
2) I think I have read that you have to have owned the car for at lease 12 months before being allowed to import it - does the 12 months start from when it is a "legal" car i.e passed its various safety tests and is registered etc. If this is the case could I store it here in the UK for a year and then import it?
3) How strict are the various tests (compared to the UK) for registering a kit, would I need to do any substantial alterations to the car.
4) What would the likely cost be for importing either as parts or as a complete car?
Any assistance would be very much appreciated.
1) Is there any difference between importing the car as "parts" as opposed to a complete\registered car.
2) I think I have read that you have to have owned the car for at lease 12 months before being allowed to import it - does the 12 months start from when it is a "legal" car i.e passed its various safety tests and is registered etc. If this is the case could I store it here in the UK for a year and then import it?
3) How strict are the various tests (compared to the UK) for registering a kit, would I need to do any substantial alterations to the car.
4) What would the likely cost be for importing either as parts or as a complete car?
Any assistance would be very much appreciated.
Hi Russ,
There's one other Ultima in NZ just been completed (in Wellington) so you'll have someone to wave at at least
I don't think the difference in regs here will make the difference for you - more to do with whether you'll have the time there of here I'd have thought.
What are you planning to do in Wellington?
Don (in Wellington)
There's one other Ultima in NZ just been completed (in Wellington) so you'll have someone to wave at at least

RussF said:
1) Is there any difference between importing the car as "parts" as opposed to a complete\registered car.
Yes there is a difference in import duty (you'll pay GST/VAT of 12.5% regardless but IIRC car parts attract an extra 10%, stand to be corrected on that) but either way you'll need to comply with New Zealands Low Volume Vehicle rules. The frontal impact rules don't apply to you and you don't have to worry about the year ownership. Have a read of don't think the difference in regs here will make the difference for you - more to do with whether you'll have the time there of here I'd have thought.
RussF said:
2) I think I have read that you have to have owned the car for at lease 12 months before being allowed to import it - does the 12 months start from when it is a "legal" car i.e passed its various safety tests and is registered etc. If this is the case could I store it here in the UK for a year and then import it?
Not an issue.RussF said:
3) How strict are the various tests (compared to the UK) for registering a kit, would I need to do any substantial alterations to the car.
Stricter than the UK, more compenents need to be 'e' marked... some components you'll need to replace but nothing too major. Not sure about how carbon tax / emissions regs that are changing might impact on your engine choice (got the engine yet? If not, buy it here - there's LSx's from late model Holdens available).RussF said:
4) What would the likely cost be for importing either as parts or as a complete car?
Around £2k to get a container here from the UK.What are you planning to do in Wellington?
Don (in Wellington)
^ Hi Don, many thanks. That all sounds very encouraging. I do already have the engine, a new custom build LS7 with cats etc. It's not exactly tuned for low emissions so I may need a slightly different map to pass the stricter emissions tests, but I'll do a little more research on that one. Thanks for the link, I'll have a read through.
As far as work goes I'm looking for something within the IT sector.
As far as work goes I'm looking for something within the IT sector.
Good point... you'd have a better chance of avoiding GST on a collection of parts than a built-up car. In theory they could charge gst/duty on 'new' items, which your GTR components are I assume, but if you've owned them for quite a while and they've clearly not been bought to sell then you've a good chance of avoiding it. I'd probably take expensive things out of their shiny packaging and wrap them up in an oily rag just to be sure.
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