DVD driving me mad....



Original Poster:

462 posts

282 months

Friday 15th August 2003
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Afternoon all,

trying to play a DVD through my laptop, it tells me that I don't have a correct Win 2000 DVD decoder. I have tried through DivX Player 2.1 but it's telling me to check if the files are valid avi or Mpeg4. the files on the DVD are listed as "VOB"s. anyone please got any suggestions as i need info. off the disk for a presentation!

Many thanks in advance,



778 posts

264 months

Friday 15th August 2003
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Try WinDVD. Top DVD software.

Free Trial Here:www.intervideo.com/jsp/Product_Download.jsp?p=WinDVDPlatinum


15,396 posts

262 months

Friday 15th August 2003
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The latest version of Windows Media Player should be able to play them, but Win DVD is much better.


9,854 posts

263 months

Friday 15th August 2003
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DivX Player won't play DVD files only MPEG-4 and avis. You need an actual DVD player piece of software, such as Power DVD, WinDVD or Ravisent DVD.