Is your car cute?



Original Poster:

4,391 posts

268 months

Wednesday 30th April 2008
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6,371 posts

294 months

Wednesday 30th April 2008
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Not as cute as mine :P


16,014 posts

241 months

Wednesday 30th April 2008
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hehe Mental note: squish MX5 tonight wink


Original Poster:

4,391 posts

268 months

Wednesday 30th April 2008
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I agree George that IS cute hehe love it!!


772 posts

294 months

Wednesday 30th April 2008
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Tried doing it to mine but I dont have any side on pics. When you do it with a 3/4 pic it looks all distorted. Might take one in the weekend

tim the pool man

5,159 posts

228 months

Wednesday 30th April 2008
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OK, so for a PS numpty, how do you do that?


772 posts

294 months

Wednesday 30th April 2008
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Take a copy of the car side on and reduce its width while keeping the height constant. Then take another original copy of the photo and copy the wheels and wheelarches and put them on the squashed version. Then tidy up the edges so it looks like one picture.

tim the pool man

5,159 posts

228 months

Wednesday 30th April 2008
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Bugger, so you have to be an artist, I was hoping it was something clever in the software so a non artist like me could just press a button.


772 posts

294 months

Wednesday 30th April 2008
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Its not that hard. Im far from an artist...the only things I know how to do are like above and lower cars. Just the better you are at it the more seamless the joins of the two pictures are.

If youd like one email me an original and Ill do one for you.

tim the pool man

5,159 posts

228 months

Wednesday 30th April 2008
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Cool, thanks, will do


Original Poster:

4,391 posts

268 months

Wednesday 30th April 2008
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You can do it in Paint application, dosent have to be any fancy software smile


1,163 posts

210 months

Wednesday 30th April 2008
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Nowhere near as good as yours but ......





31,343 posts

265 months

Thursday 1st May 2008
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Photoshop isnt good enough to make my car cute...


772 posts

294 months

Thursday 1st May 2008
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Tims car

Not entirely happy with how it came out but Im not sure why. So I lowered it to see if that would improve it

Happy to do anyone elses if my attempts look ok.


772 posts

294 months

Thursday 1st May 2008
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Just cause I was bored

Roger A

1,267 posts

251 months

Thursday 1st May 2008
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...and I thought the Fraser was short!


8,851 posts

221 months

Thursday 1st May 2008
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Yes, mine is, very

tim the pool man

5,159 posts

228 months

Thursday 1st May 2008
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Bull1t said:
Tims car
Happy to do anyone elses if my attempts look ok.
Very good thumbup thanks!


221 posts

251 months

Thursday 1st May 2008
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Bull1t said:
Just cause I was bored
Cool ride. Still remember taking one of these for a test drive 15 years ago. The thought of it still makes me smile.

Edited by CRM on Thursday 1st May 10:26


Original Poster:

4,391 posts

268 months

Thursday 1st May 2008
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Work going a bit slow too huh wink

Heres another with no editing done in Paint. The squashed images above you need to cut the wheel out from an un squashed image and save them some where, then squash your image then paste the wheels back on. The line of where you cut the wheels out including a bit of wheel arch is the trick to make it more realistic.