full reset on Palm Vx



Original Poster:

1,766 posts

274 months

Wednesday 13th August 2003
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my Palm seems to be very ill.
does anyone know how to completely reset it?
I've done a couple of normal resets (i.e. press the button in the back) but it still won't start up right (message about failure to load a code segment)
it's all backed up on my PC anyway, so I want to do a full reset.


10,857 posts

278 months

Wednesday 13th August 2003
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Seem to remember its a press the reset button whist pressing the up/down arrow. You will be prompted what you want to do. Follow on screen instructions.


12,058 posts

275 months

Wednesday 13th August 2003
quotequote all
Trouble is, hotsync will just put it all straight back again. Programs and all.

Try digging everything ouy of your backup directory or something similar in c:palm