Opera Browser



Original Poster:

1,857 posts

259 months

Wednesday 13th August 2003
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Does anybody else here use the Opera web browser? I use it because I prefer the download manager and the pop up blocker makes using the internet a lot less frustrating. I also think the interface is much nicer and easier to use. However, a lot of my friends downloaded the free to try version from opera.com and didnt like it. Just wondering what anyone else thought.


4,492 posts

295 months

Wednesday 13th August 2003
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I use it and love it, I can see why some people might not though, with the free version for example theres always a banner ad in the top right corner. Also I find it doesn't always display pages properly (before anyone says, I know it is more standards compliant then Explorer but face it most pages are built with I.E in mind)

All in all though, I love it


Original Poster:

1,857 posts

259 months

Wednesday 13th August 2003
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It is clearly better than explorer or netscape. Ive never had a problem with page loading though. Is it just tables coming out wrong etc?


16,370 posts

295 months

Wednesday 27th August 2003
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top tool


1,186 posts

282 months

Thursday 28th August 2003
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I used to use Opera, but now I use Mozilla Firebird. Seems to be more compatible than Opera was, but that could just be a perception thing.


4,415 posts

280 months

Thursday 28th August 2003
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To check my web pages I use IE5, IE6, Mozilla, Netscape (couple of versions) and Opera. The only one which gives me any grief with regards to page design is Opera, as it seems to render some tables and image positions a bit oddly at times ....


6,025 posts

294 months

Thursday 28th August 2003
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I use it.... have you seen the microsoft website converted to Swedish chef speak in it ?


8,293 posts

288 months

Thursday 28th August 2003
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I have it, but am getting frustrated by the sites it refuses to display. Its also now a long way from it original premise as a bloat free browser. You can add the Google toolbar to IE to get an ad blocker, so what else does Opera offer? Not much when you need to keep IE for the sites it chokes on.

That said, Opera for the P800 is nice!


16,370 posts

295 months

Thursday 28th August 2003
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im on 7.2 beta the mo and like it so much i've actually bought it

ok so some (non compliant) pages dont work properly in it ( a lot less than opera 6) but you get a bit of that in any browser, and it crashes one heck of a lot less than IE. even in beta...

I also really like the way the e-mail client integrates, and the latest version is very flexible


Mr E

22,314 posts

270 months

Thursday 28th August 2003
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Run Opera under Linux and it's great.

Great on the P800 as well.


635 posts

268 months

Thursday 28th August 2003
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My default - Suggestion to get round SOME of the duff sites that people have written assuming IE is the only one - you can do F12 and set to identify as IE6.

But I always check my pages with NS4.7 NS7 IE6 Mozilla and a few others.


8,293 posts

288 months

Sunday 31st August 2003
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graham said:
ok so some (non compliant) pages dont work properly in it ( a lot less than opera 6) but you get a bit of that in any browser, and it crashes one heck of a lot less than IE. even in beta...

I also really like the way the e-mail client integrates, and the latest version is very flexible
I don't find IE 6 crashes at all, not that I can recall anyway. And I have an email client thanks, I use Outlook and happen to like it. Even 2003 beta.


16,370 posts

295 months

Tuesday 2nd September 2003
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philshort said:

I don't find IE 6 crashes at all, not that I can recall anyway. And I have an email client thanks, I use Outlook and happen to like it. Even 2003 beta.

Booo Hisss Burn the Microsoft lover


8,293 posts

288 months

Tuesday 9th September 2003
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Microsoft lover? Me? I hope not! Unless its one of those syndromes like female abductees falling in love with their kidnappers!

I'd love to use other tools where available and at least as functional, but, as a someone who provides services to large corporates, sensible choices are a bit thin on the ground. I'm just not convinced yet, but I'd love to be.

I'll be the first to switch to a useable easily implemented Linux/StarOffice/Opera set-up when it really does rival MS for ease of installation and use, but will it run Quicken? And VB? Can I install a SAP minisystem? And most importantly will it do it without my having to trawl the web and hack text config files the like?

VictorMeldrew (aka philshort)


299 posts

265 months

Tuesday 9th September 2003
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Graham said:

philshort said:

I don't find IE 6 crashes at all, not that I can recall anyway. And I have an email client thanks, I use Outlook and happen to like it. Even 2003 beta.

Booo Hisss Burn the Microsoft lover

i think its becoming far to "cool" to dislike microsoft.


12,425 posts

277 months

Tuesday 9th September 2003
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victormeldrew said:
I'll be the first to switch to a useable easily implemented Linux/StarOffice/Opera set-up when it really does rival MS for ease of installation and use,
www.suse.co.uk said:
# Automated installation with SuSE AutoYaST
# Remote administration via SuSE YaST Online Update (YOU)
victormeldrew said:
but will it run Quicken?
www.suse.co.uk said:
All-inclusive - no additional license fees for enclosed applications:
* Codeweaver Crossover Office for the integration of MS Office
Codeweaver Crossover Office said:
The following applications are supported by CrossOver Office 2.0. Click on the application name to read full details about that application.
Microsoft Word 2000
Microsoft Excel 2000
Microsoft PowerPoint 2000
Microsoft Access 2000
Intuit Quicken 2002
victormeldrew said:
Can I install a SAP minisystem?
www.suse.co.uk said:
Communication unlimited:
* Mail client, scheduler application, data exchange with PDA
* SAP client, Windows 2000 terminal client, x3270 - and x5250 - terminal emulators, etc.
victormeldrew said:
And most importantly will it do it without my having to trawl the web and hack text config files the like?

VictorMeldrew (aka philshort)
There's a graphical system configuration tool which lets you do all the usual system settings with almost all graphical desktops.
Ie. Control Center (screenshot) from KDE, which is the default desktop of the most popular Linux-distributions.

Popular distributions are:
and ideal for first time users


8,293 posts

288 months

Wednesday 10th September 2003
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Cheers Bodo.

I have actually tried Red Hat (6.0 I think) but didn't get very far with it. Firstly I installed it as a server, and the graphical config tool you mention wasn't available. In fact very little was. I think I did eventually get a graphical desktop or two, but at crappy resolutions. I didn't manage to get anything useful to work.

Maybe I'm stupid, but I've installed Windoze zillions of times and never had to RTFM once. I have a server running several Windows virtual machines under VMWare. I tried to istall Linux as a virtual machine on that too without any success.

Maybe I should have another go - but no, life is too short. I want to be empowered by technology, not embroiled in it.


9,396 posts

269 months

Wednesday 10th September 2003
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And one more time for the masses:

Stats from one of my sites:

MSIE: 89.19 % (83696)
Netscape: 2.258 % (2119)
Opera: 0.070 % (66)
Konqueror: 0.033 % (31)
Lynx: 0.009 % (9)

I consider users in the 2% group tollerable, but to deliberately join the 0.07% group..... why?????


1,217 posts

290 months

Wednesday 10th September 2003
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dontlift said:
........but to deliberately join the 0.07% group..... why?????

Because IE is no longer being developed for the mac.

Opera is not bad, but Safari (apple's own) has so far been the best for me. IE (as with most MS stuff on macs) sucks. It is forever crashing (the only thing that ever does on OSX).

I still have to keep it (IE) though, as some sites just don't work in anything else.
I'm not having a dig at you, but there are standards, and they should be followed. Typical of MS to try and monopolise (look at java) by not being standard

Sorry rant over



12,425 posts

277 months

Wednesday 10th September 2003
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dontlift said:
... join the 0.07% group..... why?????
I guess it's because Opera-(and other) users consider learning to use another GUI more important than using MS IE any longer?