HELP!! with I.E.6



Original Poster:

2,458 posts

272 months

Tuesday 12th August 2003
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my own fault really...
was looking for a crack for an old shareware game... and ended up on those bloody sites that try to install things left right and centre....

now I did NOT click yes to anything, but now when I.E. can't find a web-address, instead of coming up with that autosearch.msn.whatever type page.. it comes up with all sorts of dodgy pages/search engines... everything from hacking sites to porn..

how can I get rid of this??
have tried re-installing Internet Explorer... no good.
any other ideas?!?!?? it's really pissing me off.



27 posts

260 months

Tuesday 12th August 2003
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The settings used by IE are usually in the registry so they may survive a reinstall. Try Adaware from as it can remove the nasties that you seem to have aquired.

dick dastardly

8,321 posts

274 months

Tuesday 12th August 2003
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I had this shit attack me before

I just went to the control panel and 'remove programs'


Original Poster:

2,458 posts

272 months

Tuesday 12th August 2003
quotequote all
thanks guys..

eventually found out that it was the "hosts" file causing the problems...