


Original Poster:

18,948 posts

266 months

Tuesday 12th August 2003
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Following my bout with that virus i think i'm going to be in need of some serious protection.
I'm getting the Mcafee virus program tonight. I remember there was a website for a free firewall, does anyone remember?

If i have a firewall, can i run kazaa still? And if i can will it not make the firewall a bit pointless?

Does anybody have any other suggestions for enhancing my security? I've now dowloaded all the windows updates btw.

Thanks for the replies


1,676 posts

275 months

Tuesday 12th August 2003
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g4ry13 said:
If i have a firewall, can i run kazaa still? And if i can will it not make the firewall a bit pointless?

Does anybody have any other suggestions for enhancing my security? I've now dowloaded all the windows updates btw.

Thanks for the replies

Dump Kazaa and run Kazaa Lite instead as Kazaa will fill you machine with horible spyware etc.


67,280 posts

281 months

Tuesday 12th August 2003
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Anyone tried Kazaa++?


1,431 posts

267 months

Tuesday 12th August 2003
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You can have a firewall running, just set it to block incoming connections, that way you can connect to the outside world, but 'they' can't get to your PC.


407 posts

260 months

Tuesday 12th August 2003
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google Free Firewall, Zone Alarm is still free IIRC.
Agreed that you should switch to Kazaa lite tho' , and yes you can use it with a depends on how easy the firewall configuration is but essentially you just select what software can go in/out and what ports are needed..


3,835 posts

280 months

Tuesday 12th August 2003
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Zone Alarm went to 30-day trial a few months back - at least I couldn't find anything else on their website. I switched to Tiny Personal Firewall which is at least as good, plus you can fiddle around under the bonnet if you want.


Original Poster:

18,948 posts

266 months

Tuesday 12th August 2003
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I have kazaa lite. Thanks for the replies so far. Does anyone have links to the site because i'm lazy :d .

Appreciate the help.
Thanks Gary


3,835 posts

280 months

Tuesday 12th August 2003
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Now Tiny has switched to pay-only as well. I found a freebie copy of ZoneAlarm, though,fid,7228,00.asp


1,693 posts

243 months

Wednesday 13th August 2003
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Norton Internet Security 2003 did it for me complete with personal firewall, spam alert and lots more. Also buy the backup disk if downloading from internet. I paid about 60 quid for mine and it comes with a years worth of updates. £60 in my opinion is cheap for peace of mind and i feel that the updates are worth it. i think this has been discussed before though. My brothers computer was attacked by this virus and he sells on e-bay so it nearly wiped out his whole buisness. He didn't have a firewall, HE DOES NOW!