Why does my computer keep switching itself off?

Why does my computer keep switching itself off?


silverback mike

Original Poster:

11,292 posts

264 months

Tuesday 12th August 2003
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Help needed folks,
My computer keeps switching itself off, no particular timescale or for any particular reason.
It is a right pain in the ar5e as I manage to lose everything I am doing (not much apart from this site).
I have checked the connections, they are ok.
The system is via blueyonder broadband connection so therefore is constantly on.(When it wants to).
I am shortly going to take a lumphammer to it.
Your suggestions greatly appreciated.


67,280 posts

281 months

Tuesday 12th August 2003
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Do you have a firewall?

There is a bit of a nasty going around at the momnent that is causing this, does it just die or is there a blue screen first?

If its the former then its down to the heat and the temperature shut off temp in your BIOS. If its the latter then read a few threads in Computers and Stuff that should set you right.


3,455 posts

267 months

Tuesday 12th August 2003
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overheating, causes the cpu to reset. Had this on mine stuck a large fan in the case and its been fine even in this weather.

Wasted Bullet

426 posts

263 months

Tuesday 12th August 2003
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Are you running anything like Kazza ???

This will often cause to computer to crash when you try to download specific files....

If you are try eMule... www.filedonkey.com

boosted ls1

21,198 posts

271 months

Tuesday 12th August 2003
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Mine did it as well. Sometimes I would remove and refit the fuse in the plug and it would start again. I even changed the lead but to no avail. Finally I fitted a new motor and a bigger fan. Been ok ever since. It was the motor as far as I know.


4,271 posts

274 months

Tuesday 12th August 2003
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Could be the heat - my new PC has a variable speed fan that speeds up as the processor load increases. Over the past few hot days its been souding like a washing machine spin cycle even when doing simple Windows stuff!


16,442 posts

272 months

Tuesday 12th August 2003
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boosted ls1 said:
Finally I fitted a new motor and a bigger fan. Been ok ever since. It was the motor as far as I know.

Are we still talking about PCs?

silverback mike

Original Poster:

11,292 posts

264 months

Tuesday 12th August 2003
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Thanks folks,
I think it was the virus that has been going round.
The other post that I have been cross referred to contains all relevant details.
Managed to fix it by going to microsoft and downloading the virus fix.
BIG THANKS to everyone that has helped, and it may be worth downloading it just in case.


3,164 posts

260 months

Tuesday 12th August 2003
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silverback mike said:
Thanks folks,
I think it was the virus that has been going round.
The other post that I have been cross referred to contains all relevant details.
Managed to fix it by going to microsoft and downloading the virus fix.
BIG THANKS to everyone that has helped, and it may be worth downloading it just in case.

Just a word of caution. The security patch from micro$oft assumes that you have installed any relevant OS patches as well. I'm currently trying to recover the "paste" buffer for a friend who installed the security patch, but doesn't have the latest service pack installed.
