Problems with my PC



Original Poster:

2,314 posts

271 months

Tuesday 12th August 2003
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Hi everyone

I've had my Pentium III 450 for ages now but it's never given me any hassle at all. Until last Saturday.

I switched it on as usual and it did it's usual start up routine. Once I'd tapped in my pasword (at the windows prompt) it usually boots up to the desk top quickly but on Saturday all I got after I hit 'Enter' was a blank screen with no icons on it.

I've tried again each day since Saturday and I get the same thing.

Can anyone help me? What I have done to it!! I treat that thing with kid gloves (I always shut down properly etc etc).



2,874 posts

260 months

Tuesday 12th August 2003
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Can you boot in in safe mode?? what Operating system have you got?


67,280 posts

281 months

Tuesday 12th August 2003
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What Op Sys?


Original Poster:

2,314 posts

271 months

Tuesday 12th August 2003
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I'm running Windows 98 and I'm not sure how to run it in Safe mode. Do I have to press F1 as it boots and find safe mode in the settings there?


67,280 posts

281 months

Tuesday 12th August 2003
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As it boots press F8

When you get into safe mode get up the run dialog and type

scanreg /fix

Then reboot and try again in normal mode.


Original Poster:

2,314 posts

271 months

Tuesday 12th August 2003
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Thanks Plotloss. Appreciate the advice.
