USB Flash memory recommendations

USB Flash memory recommendations



Original Poster:

2,799 posts

286 months

Tuesday 12th August 2003
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Boss has asked me to get some of the USB flash memory type devices for our group.

Our in house purchasing group have standardised on the one by Freecom using the USB2 standard, but I can see the USB2 standard cheaper on the net. So much for preferred suppliers. Naturally the boss wants max storage at minimum price.

Before I go and spend our cash on stuff that is not well built, any recommendations?

I just know who will get the fallout if he stores loads of stuff on this and it goes bang, so first priority is must be well built, then price.

I have tried to tell him they are not advised for long term back-up & storage but he wants to use his for this so I am looking for at least 512MB if not 1GB to make sure he can get his mail file backed up plus other office data. Oh and before anyone asks no we don't do network backups of data on laptops - personally I have a nice little pile of CD's at home with my backups on.

Please remember I'm not a techie, just a simple beanie, so simple advice appreciated.




16,442 posts

272 months

Tuesday 12th August 2003
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Crucial are always good for memory products.

I see that the max they do in a USB 'dongle' type device, though, is 256MB:

How about USB CF readers (wouldn't need one for every laptop; you could share them) and as many CF cards as you need?

>> Edited by pdV6 on Tuesday 12th August 12:21


10,430 posts

259 months

Tuesday 12th August 2003
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I have heard that each part of the flash memory can only be written 1000 times, so in theory over time your USB fob will start to lost it's size.

I have a 128Mb version and am yet to experience anything like that however.

try, when I was buying them this was the cheapest place around. As for USB 2 standard, hmm I would make sure that they are backward compatible and work with USB 1.1 otherwise they'd be pretty much pointless!



600 posts

277 months

Tuesday 12th August 2003
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docevi1 said:
I have heard that each part of the flash memory can only be written 1000 times, so in theory over time your USB fob will start to lost it's size.
More like 250,000 times for each 'page' which is normally 64Kb, anyway it isn't each write operation that uses a life, that happends when the page is erased and for this reason the driver/filesystem software is usually quite intelligent about usage patterns.

So even if you erased each page 20 times a day, then you'll still get over 30 years use from it.