Help... Program Error - Sychost.exe has errors

Help... Program Error - Sychost.exe has errors



Original Poster:

53,342 posts

295 months

Tuesday 12th August 2003
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Can anyone help with this? Just this morning I have started get a Program Error box appearing after I have been on the internet for a few min's i.e. Pistonheads!

The error reads "Sychost.exe has generated errors and will be closed by windows you will need to restart the program" "An error log is being created"

The effect appears to be that I cannot cut-n-paste from doc's etc.

Anyone got any ideas what it is? How I fix it? And why it suddenely started this morning?

Cheers Rich...


28,377 posts

295 months

Tuesday 12th August 2003
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I think its a failed attack of the feckin Blaster worm that's going about at the mo...I think.

You need Microsoft's patch here...

You may also need Symantec's removal tool...


67,280 posts

281 months

Tuesday 12th August 2003
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Its a program that runs to ascertain which services that windows should start.

Something somewhere is having trouble, its dropping into a loop and pinching all your virtual memory.

This may provide some useful pointers...


Original Poster:

53,342 posts

295 months

Tuesday 12th August 2003
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I loaded the M/S patch and used the Symantec virus checker for the Blaster WOrm but it wasn't found. (at least I won't get it now)

Plotless I'm not quite sure where to start looking on the web site you pointed me too though, any ideas? Rich...


226 posts

295 months

Tuesday 12th August 2003
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Sorry for the dim question - how do I know if I am Windows XP 32 bit or 64 bit ???.




67,280 posts

281 months

Tuesday 12th August 2003
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If you paid less than £30K for your pc then its 32bit.


226 posts

295 months

Tuesday 12th August 2003
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Cheers, 32K it is then.



12,058 posts

275 months

Tuesday 12th August 2003
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I'm getting this as well. Got that virusy thingy. Deleted it. When svchost crashes i can't open any new explorer windows, thus no links from PH, thus making my day almost unbearable.


27 posts

260 months

Tuesday 12th August 2003
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The exploit the worm uses relies on using OS dependant offsets - Win2K and WinXP. It decides [randomly] beforehand which exploit to use. If the exploit is incorrect for the target then the RPC service will usually crash but as the exploit failed, no trace of the expolit binary will be found on the system. Looking at a disassembly of the worm itself, it is a really shoddy piece of code so the overall impact should be pretty limited (in global internet terms) due to some major design flaws. Home users should consider a personal firewall as well as applying the patch.