Problem with a film on the PC



Original Poster:

18,948 posts

266 months

Monday 11th August 2003
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PLease help, i've acquired a film on the computer. When i go to play it, i get the first 5 seconds with the image, and then the image freezes, but the sound continues. It says something like it's a divx file and .avi. I've got a codec and Divx 5.05 i think that's the version.

What could be the problem??

Please don't tell me i have to re-acquire the film

Appreciate the replies.
Thanks Gary

>>> Edited by g4ry13 on Monday 11th August 15:54


407 posts

260 months

Monday 11th August 2003
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if u havent done so perhaps you should consider downloading either Nimo Codec pack or K-Lite Codec pack..just to rule out divx's and stuff first..

other than that check that your DVD player (in device manager) has the DMA tab checked in its properties tab.