Any LOTUS NOTES guru's in the house?

Any LOTUS NOTES guru's in the house?


Big Al.

Original Poster:

69,182 posts

269 months

Monday 11th August 2003
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Wondering if anybody could assist me with a problem I have regarding Lotus Notes version 4.5.



10,857 posts

278 months

Monday 11th August 2003
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Mail me.


4,339 posts

290 months

Monday 11th August 2003
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Lotus Notes... Ack!

Mail me if Greg can't help.


67,280 posts

281 months

Monday 11th August 2003
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I have a few Notes types that sit next to me.

If Greg or Bonce cant help...


10,857 posts

278 months

Monday 11th August 2003
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4.5??? Jees, just read this...

thats been a while....and its no longer supported by Lotus...

Big Al.

Original Poster:

69,182 posts

269 months

Monday 11th August 2003
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Thanks guys' The response times on P/H fcuking amazes me at times. I'll start with GregE240 and work me way up (or) down from there.

Sorry Ted, if I have noticed I posted in the wrong forum, I would have moved it myself!


7,848 posts

271 months

Monday 11th August 2003
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I've been on a couple of courses - I hesitate to call myself a "guru", but you're welocme to ask ...


2,874 posts

260 months

Monday 11th August 2003
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And if all else fails you can mail me. we use clients 5 upwards and domino server.

Am thinking we should all setup a PH IT consultancy!!
