My new racing car bed!!!!
Always wanded one as a kid, tonight started to make my own! 

Actually, a large portion of my car is going to be stored in my bedroom for the next 6 months or so while I do the rebuild. Strangely enough, the clam would have fitted around the bed, meaning the rear one would as well, would be snug though, possibly better on a double than a queen. Maybe in years to come it'll be a project for when I have little-uns.

Actually, a large portion of my car is going to be stored in my bedroom for the next 6 months or so while I do the rebuild. Strangely enough, the clam would have fitted around the bed, meaning the rear one would as well, would be snug though, possibly better on a double than a queen. Maybe in years to come it'll be a project for when I have little-uns.
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