Anyone got a DVD duplicator tower?

Anyone got a DVD duplicator tower?


luca brazzi

Original Poster:

3,981 posts

276 months

Thursday 7th August 2003
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It looks like I'm gonna be let down on the DVD duplicating front for the Surrey Run 4 DVD, which is why I haven't been able to post them out yet.

I need 100 copies of the DVD produced along with top quality printing direct onto disk (using Rimage or equivalent kit), onto top quality white disks (probably Verbatim).

If anyone works in a place with such equipment, and is able to quote a price for me, please, please get in touch.

I've got a DVD writer at home, which I can use to make disks, but its a 1x writer and its a 59 minute DVD, so its a very slow I haven't got access to a top quality disk printer.

Help please



5,252 posts

278 months

Sunday 10th August 2003
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I have got access to a CDR Printer is that of any use.



67,280 posts

281 months

Monday 11th August 2003
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One of my good friends works for a duplicator.

I can have a word if you would like...

luca brazzi

Original Poster:

3,981 posts

276 months

Monday 11th August 2003
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plotloss said:

One of my good friends works for a duplicator.

I can have a word if you would like...
If you could, please.

I'm looking for a quote to duplicate a 4.7Gb DVD, for them to provide the media, which has to be Grade A, and if they have access to a high quality DVD print facility, to print some artwork onto the disk.


PS stc_bennett, thanks for the offer....hopefully I'll get a solution to print to disk at the duplicators.



67,280 posts

281 months

Monday 11th August 2003
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Tis done, will forward the response presently so you can go from there.