Rich VRS said:
you cant do that!!! leaving the picture drome isnt fair i love that place! its only the nearest pub to me!!! (love having it less than a minuite away)
(whereabouts is this new place?)
Drome is only a few minutes walk from me, but us girls have to do chores on the boys pub night.(whereabouts is this new place?)
The other pub is further in/past town near Sakura (a long walk).
Rich VRS said:
you cant do that!!! leaving the picture drome isnt fair i love that place! its only the nearest pub to me!!! (love having it less than a minuite away)
(whereabout i this new place?)
you should come down then next wednesday night (whereabout i this new place?)

PD has been going downhill a little bit music wise on a wednesday, the shovel is just a change of scenery once in a while

obes said:
We're skipping Weds in the picturedrome this week to go to the Malt Shovel tonight. 
good on yer
obes said:
if you like your beer at room temperature
you mean not ice cold like kiddies drinks 
it wont be room temperature unless both doors are left open on this typical spring evening
obes said:
or beer that you cand stand a spoon up in,
scrumpy maybe yesobes said:
this is one of the best pubs around !! 
well now it's improved maybe but ask Matt172 about the other town centre alternatives
I can recommend the Wot's Occuring EVEN for larger drinkers (not that's there's a shortage in The Malt of proper lagers instead of the usual TV advertised insipid stuff)
Please everyone do me a favour and ask for Potbelly beers as they never have any Potbelly beers despite having other local beers, cheers

SB - Nigel said:
obes said:
this is one of the best pubs around !! 
well now it's improved maybe but ask Matt172 about the other town centre alternatives

we have another expert drinker in our group too who knows all the best places

these are teh ones we had last night...that I can remember

Edited by Matt172 on Wednesday 2nd April 18:18
Went in Malt tonight - maybe not the best idea after salty meal to have Potbelly Crazy Daze (5.5%) as my first pint then necking it too quickly but if it's available how can you resist !
Next a pint of the owner's own brew Wot's Ocurring, very nice
This pub has improved so well now the owner's took charge
And with Leffe on tap and replica Carlsburph lager cattering for all
Went to the Queen Adelaide after of course
Thumb up for Malt tho'
Next a pint of the owner's own brew Wot's Ocurring, very nice
This pub has improved so well now the owner's took charge
And with Leffe on tap and replica Carlsburph lager cattering for all
Went to the Queen Adelaide after of course
Thumb up for Malt tho'

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