Computer to TV????
Years ago quite a few people found this unsuitable as it can damage TV's. Not sure if this is still true, but I wouldnt want to plug my PC into my widescreen just in case. Fine for the odd occasion.
Best bet is to get a standalone DVD player.
If you email me I can tell you a great place to get them from ( famous store - in guiness book of records for highest sales per square ft!).
From about £60 !
Best bet is to get a standalone DVD player.
If you email me I can tell you a great place to get them from ( famous store - in guiness book of records for highest sales per square ft!).
From about £60 !
Robertuk said:
Years ago quite a few people found this unsuitable as it can damage TV's. Not sure if this is still true, but I wouldnt want to plug my PC into my widescreen just in case. Fine for the odd occasion.
Best bet is to get a standalone DVD player.
If you email me I can tell you a great place to get them from ( famous store - in guiness book of records for highest sales per square ft!).
From about £60 !
As I understand its something to do with the same static image being burnt onto the screen, for example the start button at the bottom left hand corner of the screen never changes so might be burnt onto the screen of some TV's
You can sometimes see this on the screens of arcade machines, and the one that REALLY pisses me off is in waterloo train station where they have a plasma screen that does nothing but show the logo of the train operator at the end of every platform, thats it nothing a piece of paper couldn't do but they use a plasma screen

rpguk said:in spite of our plasma screen being designed to do 1024x768 XGA & HDTV, it sufferes extremely badly from burn-in & needs to be colour-washed after being used with the PC for any length of time.
As I understand its something to do with the same static image being burnt onto the screen, for example the start button at the bottom left hand corner of the screen never changes so might be burnt onto the screen of some TV's
Suffice it to say that the screen-saver on that PC is set to a 1 minute time-in.
IME, connecting a PC to a regular TV is a complete waste of time other than for watching a DVD - and if that's all you want to do, buy an MPEG decoder card with TV-Out on it for far superior results. We have a Margi PCMCIA/Cardbus one.. very good.
If you get a video card that has a composite(TV) output, you can usually set your monitor and TV to differerent resolutions, so you can have your monitor at 1280x1024 (or whatever) and the TV at 640x480, you should be able to (almost) read Gassing Station on your telly then.
Remember tellys mostly run at only 50Hz so you'll get a headache if you try to read small text for too long.
Remember tellys mostly run at only 50Hz so you'll get a headache if you try to read small text for too long.
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