Arrgh! Bloody Accountant!
alunr said:
I need to get a costing for a member of staff and my bloody accountant has decided to take the afternoon off to go to the pub!
Any accountant/salary people on ph who could give me quick bit of advice?
Mines next door... whats the problem ?
Edited to add: but were all off in 15 mins so be quick..

>> Edited by M@H on Wednesday 6th August 16:45
Answer in email and here:
It will be ok.. the only thing you will have to pay is the NI, although my ACC't reckons that's at 12.8%.. his only concern is that the Employee is also (we assumed) a director of the company you will be invoicing, however we can't think of a reason for this to cause a big problem if the Inland
revenue were to investigate it.
It will be ok.. the only thing you will have to pay is the NI, although my ACC't reckons that's at 12.8%.. his only concern is that the Employee is also (we assumed) a director of the company you will be invoicing, however we can't think of a reason for this to cause a big problem if the Inland
revenue were to investigate it.
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