Visiting Bay of Islands

Visiting Bay of Islands



Original Poster:

2,235 posts

287 months

Thursday 27th March 2008
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Hi Kiwi PHers. Paying my first visit to NZ and will be staying with friends in Kerikeri during April as well as going drive about in North and South islands. Well that's the plan... only I haven't really planned anything, I'll just play it by ear. Anyway, just wondered if any PHers are around the bay area, any car events/meets going on? Be good to meet up and say hello to some people from the Parallel universe which is Pistonheads... NZ branch.



2,013 posts

262 months

Friday 28th March 2008
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Hi Paul,

I'm way down in the capital and not aware of any of our PH NZ regulars being in that area so not sure if you'll get much of a response, but I do recommend you try the fish and chips in Paihia from the shop on the waterfront (best consumed with a bottle of bubbly on the park bench facing the sea), and it's de rigeur to have a pint or two in the Duke of Marlborough Hotel in Russell. Beautiful part of NZ - enjoy!


PS: Yes, I've changed my PH name. wink


61 posts

212 months

Friday 28th March 2008
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Hi Paul

If you see an old guy with a multitude of old BMWs, say hi for me...his name is Will and he is a legend!

You really can't go wrong in the BOI, everything is great! If you can (and have a rental car) go up 90mile beach give it a actually can drive the whole way (wouldnt recommend it due to tides unless your timing is perfect) in a normal car. its great fun in a RWD car with an LSD!



Original Poster:

2,235 posts

287 months

Friday 28th March 2008
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Hi Don and Gus, many thanks for the suggestions!

Bit of a long shot, meeting any PHers, but seems rude to come all that way and not ask smile.

I will certainly be renting a car and I suspect will have a good look around North Island and in particular, just relax with friends in BOI area. I'll no doubt visit Auckland and have another mate in Raglan to say hi to.

I've just been reading the diary of a fellow Pom PHer who spent a month touring. He covered a lot and I don't have so much time but feel I would like to maybe get a flight down to South Island and have a look at Mt Cook area and maybe get a helicopter up a glacier. He also went down to Stewart Island, Doubtful Sound, Queenstown, which sound well worth a visit but then, if the weathers grey and rainy in somewhere like Milford Sound it's not so much fun. Given that Autumn is coming, I'll review any ideas based on weather forecast... but somehow I suspect them to be as accurate as the ones here? (most probably worse smile)

Anyhow, If I just get a flavour of the place, it'll give me something to look forward to revisiting when I have more time smile.



16,014 posts

241 months

Saturday 29th March 2008
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South Island is without question the king when it comes to scenery - Milford sound is actually still spectacular in mist/rain but in a different way. Mount Cook and the Glaciers certainly worth visiting too.

PS if you search through the NZ section there are some previous posts with recommendations of what to see - if I was feeling less lazy I'd find and link them.

Edited by GravelBen on Saturday 29th March 08:30