Is my soundcard on the way out?

Is my soundcard on the way out?



Original Poster:

90,102 posts

295 months

Tuesday 5th August 2003
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Just today I have noticed that the sound quality from my speakers on my desktop PC has dropped.

With any output I am getting some interference (white noise). All soundcard drivers are up to date etc... it's a Sounblaster Live Value (about, cough.....4 years old....OK I swapped it over from another machine)

Am I right in thinking my soundcard is ready to be sent to the great soundcard cemetary in the sky?


11,621 posts

278 months

Tuesday 5th August 2003
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More likely the speakers or the wire connecting the speakers to the card.

It's been my experience that sound cards work... or they don't - no middle ground.



Original Poster:

90,102 posts

295 months

Tuesday 5th August 2003
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I was hoping it was something simple like the soundcard. Thanks Ernest.

Damn, that means I'll have to get down behind the desk to check the wires, I dread to think what I'll find

Edited to say - after fighting off 2 Japanese soldiers who didn't know the war had ended I have found what was wrong, you were right it was a cable that had come out by about 3mm. All sorted. Thanks

>> Edited by FourWheelDrift (moderator) on Tuesday 5th August 20:15