Dreamweaver Question



Original Poster:

1,107 posts

280 months

Tuesday 5th August 2003
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Does anyone know how/if you can get the tutorial window to stay on top ? Every time I click any on-screen menu it disappears
Windoze 98SE, Dreamweaver MX.


720 posts

282 months

Wednesday 6th August 2003
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not sure if that can be done but I would be interested in knowing if it can.
Meanwhile, when I need the tute open I just resize the windows so the main doesen't obscure the tute window.


591 posts

273 months

Thursday 7th August 2003
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I have a 3d video card.
I went to the nvidia website and downloaded a free program.

This gives windows additional functions.

When I right click on the blue title bar of a window
(this window says Gassing Station - Microsoft Internet Explorer in the title bar) I have addiotnal functions.

Minimise - Restore - maximise and a new one nview extensions.
clicking on this reveals a sub-menu.
one of the options is "Always On top"

Selecting that means the application (Dreamweaver in your example) will always be top most.

Most video card manufacturers websites have additional goodies.

What video card do you guys have ?


>> Edited by Robertuk on Friday 8th August 03:40


8,293 posts

288 months

Thursday 7th August 2003
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I can do that with the card in my Dell notebook - and you can make the windows transparent too. Clever stuff!


Original Poster:

1,107 posts

280 months

Sunday 10th August 2003
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Robertuk said:
What video card do you guys have ?

ATI 3D Rage Pro AGP2X. Fairly ancient.


1,413 posts

270 months

Monday 11th August 2003
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