HELP .......... How do I ??????

HELP .......... How do I ??????



Original Poster:

3,948 posts

275 months

Monday 4th August 2003
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I'm trying to order a couple of PC's on line from the Dell site. It won't let me enter the customise & buy section! Why not?
I suspect it's my internet browser settings. Ive tried both AOL and IE, but with no luck on either.




90,102 posts

295 months

Monday 4th August 2003
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Are you running a firewall? It could be blocking a popup window?


12,425 posts

277 months

Monday 4th August 2003
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Paul, remember to go on the Dell site via the Dell banners in this forum - it helps Ted to keep up our community


Original Poster:

3,948 posts

275 months

Tuesday 5th August 2003
quotequote all
FourWheelDrift said:
Are you running a firewall? It could be blocking a popup window?

Excuse the ignorance ..... not knowingly! I'm on AOL8 through their broadband .... I have no known limits, age etc setup and have had no other problems. I have got a popup stopper on though. I'll try disabling that!



PS, I bet I get flammed now for no firewall


Original Poster:

3,948 posts

275 months

Tuesday 5th August 2003
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Bodo said:
Paul, remember to go on the Dell site via the Dell banners in this forum - it helps Ted to keep up our community

Will do, cheers.

Forgot to say on previous, I've also tried going in through IE with no luck.

Edited to add .... I'm in now thanks, I've disabled the pop-up blocker

>> Edited by ultimapaul on Tuesday 5th August 19:18