Hosting at home



Original Poster:

4,415 posts

280 months

Monday 4th August 2003
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Calling on that greatest of computer related knowledge bases again, er, Pistonheads ......

I'd like to try my hand at setting up a spare PC I've got kicking round as a web server, connected to the world via my 600k BB link. The site is always going to be very low traffic, and is more of a play really, so I can't imagine I'm going to get hassle from my ISP.

I've already got static IP addresses on my existing PC's, but what I dont know is, after I've registered my domain name how do I link the two together ... i.e. how do I tell the world that when someone types that it's got to come to my PC ?

Thanks !

(p.s. it'll be windows 2000 server)

>>> Edited by nevpugh308 on Monday 4th August 14:51


1,211 posts

295 months

Monday 4th August 2003
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Get your ISP or whoever looks after your domain names to change the A record for the names to the IP address of the server. You'll then need to set up the web sites to recognise incoming requests from those domain names and point them at the relevant virtual web sites. In NT this is done in IIS, and host headers, but not sure on the W2K front.

Hope this is of some help!



1,281 posts

268 months

Monday 4th August 2003
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Can you not just use domain forwarding and hide the re-directed address. I knoow you can do that with OneAndOne. namesco allow you to froward from to take you to or whatever your IP is. So I guess it depends on wou you registered your domain with.


Original Poster:

4,415 posts

280 months

Monday 4th August 2003
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alan_driver said:
So I guess it depends on wou you registered your domain with.

I haven't registered it yet, so I can go with whatever option is best / easiest / makes most sense.


9,396 posts

269 months

Monday 4th August 2003
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nevpugh308 said:

alan_driver said:
So I guess it depends on wou you registered your domain with.

I haven't registered it yet, so I can go with whatever option is best / easiest / makes most sense. they give you free forwarding and full DNS control


12,425 posts

277 months

Monday 4th August 2003
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dontlift said:

nevpugh308 said:

alan_driver said:
So I guess it depends on wou you registered your domain with.

I haven't registered it yet, so I can go with whatever option is best / easiest / makes most sense. they give you free forwarding and full DNS control
Here is a list with different dynamic DNS providers


473 posts

288 months

Monday 4th August 2003
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Worth keeping in mind that your more likely to attract the interest of hackers if you have a public facing website hosted.

Its so cheap to host a website these days (£8/month) that I'd be inclined to pass the risks on to a hosting company.


11,621 posts

278 months

Monday 4th August 2003
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Activate the DNS server in your W2K install and then inform your registering service that your Win2K server will supply primary DNS. That way you can direct requests to any public IP you wish...



Original Poster:

4,415 posts

280 months

Tuesday 5th August 2003
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Thanks for the ideas folks, I'll chase them up .... most of this is all chinese to me, but it will be fun figuring it out