IR35 under attack



Original Poster:

4,415 posts

280 months

Friday 1st August 2003
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For the contractors on here :


9,396 posts

269 months

Friday 1st August 2003
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The Government has been urged to immediately review the controversial IR35 tax or face the wrath of the nation’s freelancers when it came to election time.

I think they should take to OR out of this, they will face the wrath of the nation anyway....


9,978 posts

295 months

Friday 1st August 2003
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Since IR35, contracting has virtually died. The sooner it is abolished, the better.

P.S. The Tories have said they would abolish it...


9,396 posts

269 months

Friday 1st August 2003
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Alex said:
Since IR35, contracting has virtually died. The sooner it is abolished, the better.

P.S. The Tories have said they would abolish it...

Another rephrase required since labour - the country has virtually gone to shit


473 posts

288 months

Friday 1st August 2003
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Alex said:
Since IR35, contracting has virtually died. The sooner it is abolished, the better.

P.S. The Tories have said they would abolish it...

Personally I think IR35 is necessary is some form, unfortunately its been incredibly badly implemented. Whether it can ever be implemented fairly is the question - probably not and as such should be scrapped.


2,174 posts

281 months

Friday 1st August 2003
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"under attack" ?

And a jolly good thing, too. It's utterly pointless, time and money wasting and won't even catch those who it was "supposed" to catch anyway, the so-called FtoM crew.

IR35 was just greed and envy.


9,978 posts

295 months

Friday 1st August 2003
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whatever said:
IR35 was just greed and envy.

Like most New Labour legislation.