Emails from the TVRCC Yahoo Groups mailing list

Emails from the TVRCC Yahoo Groups mailing list



Original Poster:

90,097 posts

295 months

Thursday 31st July 2003
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I have now receved 2 emails from the TVRCC Group message board on Yahoo even though I don't subscribe to the "send messages by email" service and they were sent to a different email address to the one I have for Yahoo groups anyway.

The first was just a posting but the second was a posting with a PIF (virus attachment), both deleted. The originating email was of course different to the supposed sender on both but the subject matter of the 2nd looked so accurate. The giveaway was that it was a messages posted on the 26th July. THERE ARE NO MESSAGES ON THE TVRCC FOR THE 26th JULY!!! The last was on the 24th.

Anyone else receiving these?

Message is below, minus headers/footers. The email itself came from an mailbox.

also look up Alcon


--- In, James Hans wrote:
> joospeed wrote:
> > does anybody have a web address for AP braking systems .. did a
> > search and found
> > nothing :-(


1,186 posts

282 months

Thursday 31st July 2003
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That will be a virus spoofing the source address then.

Only way to work out where it came from is to look at the email headers, and trace back that way.

Going from how these things tend to work, it is likely to have come from someone that you've corresponded with at some point, who also subscribes to the TVRCC Yahoo Group. Not that that narrows it down I suppose, could be pretty much anyone on Pistonheads


Original Poster:

90,097 posts

295 months

Thursday 31st July 2003
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Yep, what I thought. I've mailed Joolz, but I don't know who James Hans is, anyone?


1,186 posts

282 months

Thursday 31st July 2003
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53,340 posts

295 months

Thursday 31st July 2003
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FourWheelDrift said:
but I don't know who James Hans is, anyone?
James Hans was a graphic art student who was on the TVRCC e-mail list 3 or 4 years ago. He built a virtual Cerbera on the internet, had moving engine, suspension etc. was rather good I seem to remember. Rich...


Original Poster:

90,097 posts

295 months

Thursday 31st July 2003
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Oh I remember.

I don't think I ever corresponed with him though.