Rack mounted server and Second user IT kit

Rack mounted server and Second user IT kit



Original Poster:

1,676 posts

275 months

Wednesday 30th July 2003
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Anyone got any good online sources for buying second user IT equipment - specifically a rack mounted server at the mo but other stuff to follow no doubt.

Something cheap to run win2k and IIS on.


34,444 posts

314 months

Wednesday 30th July 2003
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eBay is where I got my two servers from.


21,760 posts

283 months

Wednesday 30th July 2003
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When a saleman says "I'll see what I can do for you!", you might find a couple of the words need to be swapped round


2,750 posts

295 months

Wednesday 30th July 2003
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What sort of rack mounted server? I have a couple of nearly-new Cobalt RaQ 4's left...


9,396 posts

269 months

Wednesday 30th July 2003
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www.rockhall.co.uk/ although you will need to phone them not use website

>> Edited by dontlift on Wednesday 30th July 19:49


9,294 posts

276 months

Friday 1st August 2003
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Marshy said:
What sort of rack mounted server? I have a couple of nearly-new Cobalt RaQ 4's left...

Stunning little servers, have about 60 of them atm.

they were / are excellent boxes, shame the R550 went all 'sun'


Original Poster:

1,676 posts

275 months

Friday 1st August 2003
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Don't know much about the Cobalts - I thought they were unix only boxes but I' quite sure I'm wrongabout that!

Win2k and ide disk is all thats required really.


9,294 posts

276 months

Friday 1st August 2003
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alunr said:
Don't know much about the Cobalts - I thought they were unix only boxes but I' quite sure I'm wrongabout that!

Win2k and ide disk is all thats required really.

Cobalts are nix only,

300mhz 64mb 8gb (RaQ3)
450mhz 128mb 8gb (RaQ4)
1ghz/1.2ghz 40gb 256mb (RaQ550)

All obviously upgradable.

Whilst IDE is cheap, I try to dissuade people from using it in production machines, the reasons are 3 fold

a) it has a far lower MTBF, meaning its more inclined to die.

b) every IDE access requires the CPU to do work, this is ok on low access applications, but stick a busy DB on an IDE disk, and you can see as much as 40% of your CPU dissapear, JUST to deal with the Disk I/O requests. SCSI doesnt use ANY CPU, as the SCSI card deals with it all

c) IDE cant hot swop, and as such makes useless RAID for a production machine.

With that in mind, if your aware of the above and deem it doesnt really matter, then IDE are v.v.cheap boxes, especially second hand.

We host a fair few IDE only boxes, and have only had a few hdd failiures (in customer provided boxes, never in our own.) but funnily, its the UDMA133 hdds that died, not the old 8gb hdds ;|

Enjoy and have fun