Server Monitoring



Original Poster:

12,058 posts

275 months

Wednesday 30th July 2003
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Any good (preferably free) programs for monitoring the load on various servers? Mostly windows NT4 but unix would be fab too.

I'm happy using perfmon on windows, but it didn't seem to go down to well....


1,186 posts

282 months

Wednesday 30th July 2003
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I use MRTG

It was written to monitor traffic going through routers, but it's able to monitor pretty much anything. Needs a bit of configuration though, not out of the box point and click.


407 posts

260 months

Wednesday 30th July 2003
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Yeah we have used MRTG here at work and it can be an arse to setup but it can monitor anything, you just need to know the MIBs for the things you want which there are loads of sites out there listing all major things that PerfMon can do..