Nice PC's for a Bar/Internet Cafe thingy...

Nice PC's for a Bar/Internet Cafe thingy...



Original Poster:

1,676 posts

275 months

Wednesday 30th July 2003
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Anyone got any reccomendations for PC's in a Bar that can be removed easily for the nighttime trade?

I'm going to put 15" TFT's in there and was looking for a small PC to just do internet access via a wireless network.

I'm aware of the Mini ITX kits you can build but would rather put in some prebuilt kit as it'll have an extendable warranty (ideal for this customer).

Any other advice on the project welcome!


4,492 posts

295 months

Wednesday 30th July 2003
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Dell do a range of nice little computers, quite a stylish black as well as the usuall beige as well


16,442 posts

272 months

Wednesday 30th July 2003
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I'm sure I've seen waterproof keyboards somewhere...


1,431 posts

267 months

Wednesday 30th July 2003
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Get yourself some Dell SX270's, they're tiny but fully featured, and come with a 3 year on site warrenty!

Decently prices too..


7,562 posts

276 months

Wednesday 30th July 2003
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Neat solution I've seen elsewhere is to put the main case on the other side of a wall or partition, wallmount a TFT screen then either poke cables through the wall for keyboard and mouse, or use wireless ones. Depends on how trustworthy the customers are, I suspect wireless ones would go walkies - much easier though, when evening comes you just pick them up and put them away.

Can then use the TFTs to display whatever you want.

Second the Dell recommendation - we're buying SD GX270s at work which are pretty small and very quiet - they do two smaller sizes too if expansion isn't an issue.

>> Edited by sjg on Wednesday 30th July 13:05


591 posts

273 months

Wednesday 30th July 2003
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Have you seen the Creative SLix ?

Cube shaped small and under £220 exc. VAT
(You need to add a components and screen to this).

available in the UK from scan:

A friend has one and got to say it beats the usual beige/white case.


1,493 posts

274 months

Wednesday 30th July 2003
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Problem I've had with using several wireless mice/keyboards in close proximity is that you all end up moving each others mice and typing on each others screens!!

Unless you guys know of such devices where you can set individual frequencies or ID codes to prevent this.

For this reason i will be going wired in my proposed internet cafe.

Dave Clarke


1,186 posts

282 months

Thursday 31st July 2003
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Don't forget the smaller things are, the easier they are to nick.

Go for some old indestructible IBM PS/2's, you can leave them out all night then in the rain probably


46,645 posts

286 months

Thursday 31st July 2003
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Why not store the PC's well away, and use extension cables?

That way you can plug in the mice, keyboard and monitor as required...


1,186 posts

282 months

Thursday 31st July 2003
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Original Poster:

1,676 posts

275 months

Thursday 31st July 2003
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arcturus said:
Problem I've had with using several wireless mice/keyboards in close proximity is that you all end up moving each others mice and typing on each others screens!!

Unless you guys know of such devices where you can set individual frequencies or ID codes to prevent this.

For this reason i will be going wired in my proposed internet cafe.

Dave Clarke

If you install the Logitech software it creates a "Secure" link between your mouse, keyboard and computer. One of our customers has 12 cordless desktops in a tiny office with no probs.