Plasma Screens for a...



Original Poster:

7,412 posts

264 months

Tuesday 29th July 2003
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Does anyone know of the best Plasma Screen for a PC?
I have a 21" monitor at the moment but the idea of having a 37 or maybe a 42" screen for a monitor seem quite cool.
I have seen a few examples of 42" screens used for PCs at Computer World, but the quality was a bit on the $hit side as the fonts were not very clear.


34,444 posts

314 months

Tuesday 29th July 2003
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Get two smaller flat screens...?


Original Poster:

7,412 posts

264 months

Tuesday 29th July 2003
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PetrolTed said:
Get two smaller flat screens...?

I don't like the fact that there will be a big line down the middle (the casing), hence the reason why i was after a big plasma.


473 posts

288 months

Wednesday 30th July 2003
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Shouldn't be a problem using any plasma, so long as the screen and your graphics card have appropriate input/outputs and the card is capable of outputing the odd resolutions for a widescreen image.

Not looked at plasma specs lately but I doubt you'd find a screen with high enough resolution to be comfortable for PC use.

Just checked a couple of models:

Hitachi 37" - dot pitch 0.84mm x 0.39mm (compared to 0.26mm for a PC monitor)

LG 42" - resolution 852 x 480 (compared to for example 1280x1024 on 18" pc monitor)

I use a pair of 18" NEC LCD screens (found cheap!) side by side. The gap down the middle doesn't cause a problem as its setup to not split windows between screens. This works best for me as I tend to be writing code on 1 screen, with reference material on the 2nd for example.


Original Poster:

7,412 posts

264 months

Wednesday 30th July 2003
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Was looking at building an Games Rig in the spare room, hence the big screen the fastest P4 CPU and the modding of the case and water cooling so that i can run that 3.2 at 3.6 or maybe higher!


11,580 posts

295 months

Wednesday 30th July 2003
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Get a projector instead as it will be cheaper and you can make it any size you need!


473 posts

288 months

Wednesday 30th July 2003
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Same applies with a projector as a plasma - great for games, dire for anything else.