Modding PC.



Original Poster:

7,412 posts

264 months

Tuesday 29th July 2003
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Modding PC is something that i would like to have a go at. One of the things that i would like to try is cooling the PC by using a water cooling system. Can anyone point me in the right direction for Modding PCs?
Could make a buck out of it too...Designer PCs anyone?


359 posts

261 months

Tuesday 29th July 2003
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d3ano said:
Modding PC is something that i would like to have a go at. One of the things that i would like to try is cooling the PC by using a water cooling system. Can anyone point me in the right direction for Modding PCs?
Could make a buck out of it too...Designer PCs anyone?

try for some prices and some useful forums.



16,442 posts

272 months

Tuesday 29th July 2003
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Except as strictly a favour to mates, I don't think there's much scope for making much money out of 'designer' PCs these days.

Unless you can order 000's of units, parts are going to be relatively expensive for you, which will necessarily increase your selling price so much that it won't be an attractive alternative to a non-beige box from a larger outfit.


1,947 posts

295 months

Tuesday 29th July 2003
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Designer PCs won't make anything as a business I'm afraid as there are loads of small firms that already do custom built PCs and they are able to sell cheaper than you can buy. (I kid you not). I have seen people that have painted their cases but most of the time computers sit in cupboards or out of the way.

Liquid cooled PCs are possible and people have done it but in my experience more fans/heat sinks are a) just as effective b) cheaper c) less of a pain/anxiety if something goes wrong. all IMHO of course!


1,281 posts

268 months

Tuesday 29th July 2003
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Well these are my attempts at modifying / making a pc.
Left hand side is a clear box that houses motherboard and cards. Right hand side is alluminium (same size) with a black perspex front. This houses the PSU, CDRW, DVD and floppy drive.
Sorry about the crapness of the pictures, its only a cheap camera.

The mark on the right hand side, no idea what it is, some sort of reflection.

There are a few more pics but fotango doesnt like em.

Oh, and if anyone wants to buy it, Make me an £offer.

>> Edited by alan_driver on Tuesday 29th July 20:42


Original Poster:

7,412 posts

264 months

Tuesday 29th July 2003
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Alan there are no pics there.
Can you post the page address please.



1,281 posts

268 months

Tuesday 29th July 2003
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Sorry, they were there, I hate fotango, it always does this. Where else can I host them?
Edit at 20.45 - they are now showing up on mine.

>> Edited by alan_driver on Tuesday 29th July 20:43


1,143 posts

288 months

Tuesday 29th July 2003
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Personnally I can see the point in cosmetically modding a PC, but there are people who do!!

The humidor is my favorite!!



5,613 posts

269 months

Wednesday 30th July 2003
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fatsteve said:
Personnally I can see the point in cosmetically modding a PC, but there are people who do!!

The humidor is my favorite!!


That Focus is fantastic! I want to make one!


1,413 posts

270 months

Monday 4th August 2003
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d3ano said:
Could make a buck out of it too...Designer PCs anyone?


20,854 posts

286 months

Monday 4th August 2003
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"Micro Mart" had a simple guide to installing water cooling only a week or so ago...........

I'll see if I can find it........

Edited to add: Couldn't find it on their poxy website, but it's in issue 756/July 10th and I have it sitting in my office right now. You can E-mail me through profile if you want more info.....

>> Edited by beano500 on Monday 4th August 12:41


Original Poster:

7,412 posts

264 months

Monday 4th August 2003
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beano500 said:
"Micro Mart" had a simple guide to installing water cooling only a week or so ago...........

I'll see if I can find it........

Edited to add: Couldn't find it on their poxy website, but it's in issue 756/July 10th and I have it sitting in my office right now. You can E-mail me through profile if you want more info.....

>> Edited by beano500 on Monday 4th August 12:41

2 page spread in PC format that i have read up on. I think that i will have to invest in this as you can "supposedly" (crap spelling) clock a 3GHZ P4 chip up to a 3.5 and the temp will only creep up to rather cool 42.C which is better than 60.c with only a fan!!
Also on PG130 a plumber has taken the whole water cooling thing one step further by installing copper pipes in his PC. I must admit this does look the dogs bollox!

Beano500 it would be nice to see that article about water cooling though. The more info i can get about it the better. I don't particulary (my spelling is really crap today) want water to be sraying all over a live circut and then blowing the fuses and then shocking me. And destroying £1.5Ks worth of IT kit. :-(

>> Edited by d3ano on Monday 4th August 15:15


20,854 posts

286 months

Monday 4th August 2003
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Micro put fluorescent (yellow) dye in the water - looked the best bit of the whole exercise!

I keep wondering what happens if it leaks, mind - I guess I wouldn't have faith in ANY plumbing work I'd been involved in!


1,950 posts

262 months

Monday 4th August 2003
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You want to go the route of using proper refrigerant -


2,977 posts

295 months

Monday 4th August 2003
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Trouble is, you can spend a whole heap of money on gadgets that might allow you to uprate the CPU by -- what? -- 10%-15%. Yet not only is the CPU not the bottleneck in most systems anyway, but it's usually cheaper to buy a faster CPU in the first place.

Why bother?


39 posts

265 months

Tuesday 5th August 2003
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polar_ben said:

d3ano said:
Could make a buck out of it too...Designer PCs anyone?

Well the money for the TVR is mainly generated by my normal networking job. However winning the biggest case mod competition in the world did help a bit as well.

If you feel the need for a PC that match your car you are welcome drop me a line.


20,854 posts

286 months

Tuesday 5th August 2003
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mashie said:

If you feel the need for a PC that match your car you are welcome drop me a line.

Thinking it through you'd put in twin fans (and an override switch) and end up being baked by the blast of hot air if you modelled a PC on a TVR not to mention about a couple of hundred man hours rubbing the GRP down, the odd electrical quirk, and then about that leak......

"They all do that, Sir!"


Original Poster:

7,412 posts

264 months

Tuesday 5th August 2003
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mashie said:

polar_ben said:

d3ano said:
Could make a buck out of it too...Designer PCs anyone?

Well the money for the TVR is mainly generated by my normal networking job. However winning the biggest case mod competition in the world did help a bit as well.

If you feel the need for a PC that match your car you are welcome drop me a line.

Have you a pic of you modded case then mashie??


39 posts

265 months

Tuesday 5th August 2003
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d3ano said:

Have you a pic of you modded case then mashie??

A few past cases here:
The current case under construction is here:

>> Edited by mashie on Tuesday 5th August 18:14