BT Broadband help



Original Poster:

90,097 posts

295 months

Monday 28th July 2003
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Please no replies of, ditch it and buy another service. Until this evening it's been fine.

My Broadband is disconencting on average every 5 mins (just happened now, again).

So I download their BT Help thing install & setup only it takes longer than 5 minutes so it doesn't work properly

Firstly is anyone else on BTB having problems? or do you know the rant line so I can vent my spleen.


5,160 posts

270 months

Monday 28th July 2003
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I had very similar problems when using pci modem and it got worse when I installed kazaa - using kazza light didn't help much. - started uing the same modem that they supply and all was okay.

Not having any problems at the mo, are you using their modem or another - you could also use something like "getright" for downloading stuff that takes longer then you're connecting for - it picks up where you left next time you connect.




Original Poster:

90,097 posts

295 months

Monday 28th July 2003
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Using BT Voyager modem, have getright no problems with downloading, it's just it has to be connected to the internet after downloading to setup the help system (that's what bombs out because it takes too long).


5,252 posts

278 months

Monday 28th July 2003
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had a few probs the other night with connecting.

My problem as late evening no internet connection at all, all was right in morning i put it down to server work at BT.

I didnt want to phone orr complain as i have been downloading loads of documents from ESA and am still downloading from them 40 Gig so far. another 100 gig to go.

Im using anetgear dm602 modem and have had no other probs with them,



Original Poster:

90,097 posts

295 months

Monday 28th July 2003
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Well I've been onlne now for 1/2 hour uninterupted. SO I think it may also have been BT maintenance or wrong leaves on the line or something.


Big Al.

69,182 posts

269 months

Monday 28th July 2003
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Been on line from 8 this moring till 5, at work, and 6 until now at home, both lines are broadband BT!


6,552 posts

295 months

Tuesday 29th July 2003
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We had a lot of problems with one of our customers on BT broadband, it transpires that BT had changed a DNS server and neglected to tell anyone!



3,544 posts

273 months

Tuesday 29th July 2003
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Working on BT Broadband all the time - only occasional disconnect during the middle of the night. Nothing special over the past few days.

I have found that poor performance can be improved/sorted by powering down the PC, pulling the USB modem connection out, powering the PC back up again and when the desktop is back, plugging the USB modem connection back in.


5,613 posts

269 months

Tuesday 29th July 2003
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Our broadband at work is BT. It kept dying recently due to server work, sounds very similar to what you describe.