


Original Poster:

246 posts

294 months

Thursday 21st February 2008
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No dial tone here at home or more importantly at the gym, so no eftpos or phones during our busiest period - grrr. Been on hold for 20mins and counting on the mb. Not a happy bunny.

Still managed to cheer myself up with this classic Borat clip (not from the movie) a mate just sent me.

Kiwi XTR2

2,693 posts

243 months

Thursday 21st February 2008
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That's no good. frown

Is it preventing you from booking in more trackdays? ranting

tongue out


Original Poster:

246 posts

294 months

Thursday 21st February 2008
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Just read about your exploits at the Sprint meet thumbup

Decided I need to sort my shed out before it gets back on track. If it looked like a shed and cornered on rails I'll be happy. But it looks like a shed and handles like one to boot.

Discovered after Taupo it was missing some camber shims on the rear meaning one side had a degree more camber than the other - after the garage had assured me they'd all gone back on...

Still no phone btw, have given up waiting. furious

Kiwi XTR2

2,693 posts

243 months

Thursday 21st February 2008
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I got rid of Telecom a couple of years ago over quality of service and customer service. Never understood why they are so bad at it and why they place such a low priority on getting it right.

Surely good customer service is the best PR & Marketing you can get. We're a bunch of gossips and will endorse to 10 people whatever's great and b1tch to 100 people about whatever is shyte. banghead


16,014 posts

241 months

Thursday 21st February 2008
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iwilson said:
Discovered after Taupo it was missing some camber shims on the rear meaning one side had a degree more camber than the other - after the garage had assured me they'd all gone back on...
tongue out You just want to use it as a speedway car don't you silly