Deleting files/folders problem



Original Poster:

53,340 posts

295 months

Monday 28th July 2003
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OK chaps, I'm trying to delete a file and a folder from my PC and I am unable to, when I press the delet key I get "access denied file may be in use etc." Now they are file planted there by some pop-up software for automatic downloading etc.

There must be a way of getting rid of them, any ideas? Rich...


11,104 posts

287 months

Monday 28th July 2003
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I sometimes get this and it generally works if you reboot in DOS mode and delete them from there.


407 posts

260 months

Monday 28th July 2003
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Hi Rich, if they are from spyware then get yourself a copy of SpyBot Search and Destroy, any files in use will be deleted on next logon..


591 posts

273 months

Monday 28th July 2003
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Dos mode is the best and 100% tried and tested route.

But the file may be set as:
read only
system file
all of the above.

if you find the directory where the file is and type:

attrib -r -s -h filename.ext
del filename.ext it should work

you may have to use all three (-r -s -h) or one or two.

OPTION 2 (in Windows)

press CTRL-ALT-DEL and fins the tasks that are running.

See if you can spot the one that refers to the pop-up program. highlight and end it.

Then try deleting the file again in windows.

This may work.

Good Luck.



Original Poster:

53,340 posts

295 months

Monday 28th July 2003
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Thanks Robert, tried this in DOS (command) and despite the attrib -s - h - r etc. it still says access denied when I try to delete it. Rich...


9,294 posts

276 months

Monday 28th July 2003
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are you using 2k / NT4 or XP

It could be that the File is owned by someone else, and your not logged in as the admin

If you know how, login as the Admin and try again, if you dont, let me know your windows Version and we can move from there.

Also, if you let us know what the file name / location is. It might well be that its in use by another application.



591 posts

273 months

Monday 28th July 2003
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You could try running SCANDISK first, then try deleting the file again.
Could be a program crashed and left bits of the file everywhere.