evening all. well threatened to get rid of the mighty tuscan....... and have done. changed it for this baby...
hope you all like!!!! i can't wait to practice the old speed camera evasion technique in it!!!
hope you all like!!!! i can't wait to practice the old speed camera evasion technique in it!!!
sideways dan said:
tuscan got traded in so should be for sale at hexham over the next few days. tony was absolutely spot on and i'm not really one to mess anyone around so just did the deal!!! looking forward to griffith ownership!
Lovely looking griff...congrats on the purchase.How come you went from a tuscan to the griff...honestly not trying to stirr but some might see that as a downgrade...i honestly dont as each has there merits and are both equally as nice
sideways dan said:
well mainly financial tbh. needed to free up a bit of equity to put into my new business. however i was very impressed with the on tap torque of the v8, feel its a bit more responsive than the speed six. that and i get bored easily and do like a new toy!!!
Totally understandable reasons...i have been toying with the idea of a cerb...but i am not sure if i can let the chim go...and if i did would i go for the S6 with all the horror stories or the AJP?Or i could stick with the chime and continue to annoy the neighbours....need a job that pays more money, then i can keep the chim have the cerb to take the family out and have a tuscan for a run weekend car!!!
Had a good look around the car when it was up on the ramps looked solid enough to me and had a nice interior recent new cam and followers too bit of a bargain imho . A bit of tlc and itll look great like the colour too wish i had the space and spare cash apparently its a bit of a film star too been on telly etc lucky you !!

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