Downloading e-mails from new ADSL ISP

Downloading e-mails from new ADSL ISP



Original Poster:

226 posts

295 months

Saturday 26th July 2003
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I recently upgraded from using Virgin as a Dial-up ISP to ZEN as an ADSL ISP, however I can't get my e-mails directly from Virgin now.

I have been able to pick them up from non-Virgin ISP connections previously (work etc.). I can still get them via dial-up, and I have them forwarded to my work account - but I would rather be able to access them directly (it is a POP3 account). Plus it just frustrates me from a technical prespective to to be able to do it !!!.

Any suggestions gratefully received.




90,097 posts

295 months

Saturday 26th July 2003
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What do you have your POP3/SMTP server setting as? your current ZEN ISP POP3/SMTP settings for the Virgin POP3 account?

If so try changing it to (I think) the Virgin POP3/SMTP server setting POP3 = "" SMTP = "". I think this will only work though if your Virgin account is still active.

I've heard about these problems before. If the above doesn't work........I'm afraid you can't get them.

Unless someone else can come up with a work-a-round?

>> Edited by FourWheelDrift (moderator) on Saturday 26th July 20:11


Original Poster:

226 posts

295 months

Saturday 26th July 2003
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Thanks FWD - I have the Virgin settings correct, and I am fairly confident that the account is still active as I have re-directed the posts to my work e-mail and they come through OK.

Thaks for the suggestions.



Original Poster:

226 posts

295 months

Saturday 26th July 2003
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Sorted !!!!!.

Just had to have the sending mail server as Zen, and the reciving amil server as Virgin, with the sign-on for Virgin - obvious I guess.




90,097 posts

295 months

Saturday 26th July 2003
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Well done, we'll all come to you for email support problems from now on them?