annoying dreamweaver prob



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3,198 posts

276 months

Saturday 26th July 2003
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dont know if anyone knows dreamweaver that well here but this is really annoying me so...

have a blue layer thats 100% width that goes along the bottom of the page. in 800x600 it goes all along the page until it hits the page up / down arrow thinghie which is fine as theres more content further down the page. In 1024 x 768 resolution all the content fits on the page so u dont get the up/down arrow bar but the blue layer only goes as far as to where this bar would be. ie it does not go all along the page width it stops a cm short. Is there any way of getting it to go the whole way across? 100% width should mean 100% to me?? i dont have any margins on the page that i can tell?

any help gratefully appreciated


5,160 posts

270 months

Saturday 26th July 2003
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the 100% is the internal width of the browser, the scroll bar (I think thats what you mean)is external to the viewing area and so would not be included in the page display.




Original Poster:

3,198 posts

276 months

Saturday 26th July 2003
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gopher said:
the 100% is the internal width of the browser, the scroll bar (I think thats what you mean)is external to the viewing area and so would not be included in the page display.



do u know any way of making it 100% then when the scroll bar is not there? its reallllley bugging me!!



1,947 posts

295 months

Saturday 26th July 2003
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I don't know dreamweaver but I do know the scrpt that does it:

&style type="text/css">BODY {
BACKGROUND-IMAGE: url(image file); BACKGROUND-REPEAT: repeat-x

where image file is the path and name including extension of your image and & symbols are < (scrpt has problem in posting)

The repeat-x causes it to do the full width (x coordinate) by repeating the image.

Hope that helps.

>> Edited by smeagol on Saturday 26th July 23:38


Original Poster:

3,198 posts

276 months

Sunday 27th July 2003
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smeagol said:
I don't know dreamweaver but I do know the scrpt that does it:

&style type="text/css">BODY {
BACKGROUND-IMAGE: url(image file); BACKGROUND-REPEAT: repeat-x

where image file is the path and name including extension of your image and & symbols are < (scrpt has problem in posting)

The repeat-x causes it to do the full width (x coordinate) by repeating the image.

Hope that helps.

>> Edited by smeagol on Saturday 26th July 23:38

This is the code as it appears in dweaver :

div id="Layer1" style="position:absolute; left:0%; top:407px; width:100%; height:49px; z-index:4; background-color: #0000FF; layer-background-color: #0000FF; border: 1px none #000000;">

is there anyway of incorporating that into what u have said - xcuse me if i'm being thick but am strictly drag and drop not coding me!!!


>> Edited by billb on Sunday 27th July 11:58


801 posts

273 months

Sunday 27th July 2003
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Erm... CAn you not recreate the page using a table structure rather than using layers? Layers sometimes don't work the same in different browsers. Tables however always work the same.

Change the layer to a table with one cell. Give the table 100% width and the cell 100% width and give the cell the blue background colour. This way it will always fit the screen width, no matter the size... you can change the cell height by either putting in a "spacer" gif or using "space" code (won't show up when I type ) ampersand nbsp semi colon...
Hope this helps...


917 posts

263 months

Monday 28th July 2003
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One of the problems with layers is that they do not behave the same in different browsers and versions. Tables on the other hand do. For uniformity tables are a better bet.


Original Poster:

3,198 posts

276 months

Monday 28th July 2003
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hmmm is that the general consensus regaring layers? only just started using dreamweaver and they seemed to be the newer better way of doing it cos with layers and using flash text i can stretch a web page and everything in it to any resolution?


801 posts

273 months

Monday 28th July 2003
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urrr... flash text, another no no I'm afraid... flash text is just a gimmicy function best avoided


1,947 posts

295 months

Monday 28th July 2003
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Layers are okay but have to be right, also IE5.0 doesn't hadle layers that well. Better ways are flash movies etc.

As for the blue band. If it is a plain blue band then yes the table method will work provided you set the margins of the page to zero (I believe you can simply set it in DW if not you set it into the body scrpt)

The repeat function I showed above is for an image you want to repeat accross. For exanple my website has a horizon going into night sky and I wanted that accross the whole page no matter what the size.

I always use tables instead of layers if possible. The only time I have found layers useful is interactive stuff when I want the page to react to the mouse or similar. (eg some of my education resources have drag and drop exercises). Although now I have found Flash to be even better.


591 posts

273 months

Monday 28th July 2003
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Best method (For dreamweaver 4 and above).

Create a borderless table with a couple of cells.

Basically you set the far right cell to 'autostretch'.

This means it will dynamically resize to fit the browser window. Also means everyone will see your site the way you wanted it to be viewed.

You could put a logo 650px x180x in the top left and a autostretct cell.

Ok found a site which may help you:

*Flash text*
Depends on the project but can be good (low bandwidth +no need for special fonts+installed on 85%+ of browsers). The main thing is your site shouldnt be 'clunky', always make sure the user has full control and the back button works (many flash sites do not code the site so pressing back taks them right back to the beginning instead of the last screen/page)

Good Luck


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