Right, another little problemette

Right, another little problemette



Original Poster:

11,104 posts

287 months

Friday 25th July 2003
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After my issues with Scandisk running every time we booted the PC (tried all the patches, still no good so formatted and reinstalled all the software) Windows Explorer doesn't now work properly.
I can open directory structures in the left pane, but double clicking to open then into the right pane throws up GPF's - any more ideas chaps?


16,442 posts

272 months

Friday 25th July 2003
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10 Reformat disk
20 Install Windows
30 GOTO 10


4,330 posts

281 months

Friday 25th July 2003
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Are you getting a BSOD or just a windows box telling you of GPF. Have you added any powersapping periferals recently? How hot is the CPU running? What is your shoe size? Do you really need to use explorer?


8,293 posts

288 months

Friday 25th July 2003
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People do seem to use Expolrer still, personally I use IE instead and have done for years.

Still, I use(d) Active Desktop as well, and the luddites stayed clear of that because it started out with a couple of bugs. I still count as one of finest achievments a fairly noddy HTML page using TDC to throw up a CSV file of contact details which I added to the standard desktop build for a client. They loved it! Eveyone phone numbers magically there as wallpaper!


Original Poster:

11,104 posts

287 months

Friday 25th July 2003
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Liszt said:
Are you getting a BSOD or just a windows box telling you of GPF. Have you added any powersapping periferals recently? How hot is the CPU running? What is your shoe size? Do you really need to use explorer?

Right I'll pick the one I can understand. (apart from the on with the old programming language - there is no reply to that.).
1. Windows error box, where you have to click 'Details' for it to tell you the problem.
2. Nothing added, infact a reformat and reload was done only yesterday, I cleared out all the junk and now the machine is running noticeably faster.
3. It's only a PIII500, lots of ventalation, everything else works perfectly except Windows Explorer.
4. 9.
5 Is there anything else I can use?


3,811 posts

275 months

Friday 25th July 2003
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we had a similar problem at work. Turned out that a re-install of internet explorer did the trick.


Original Poster:

11,104 posts

287 months

Friday 25th July 2003
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FunkyGibbon said:
we had a similar problem at work. Turned out that a re-install of internet explorer did the trick.

Internet Explorer? Are the two linked?


16,442 posts

272 months

Friday 25th July 2003
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.Mark said:

Internet Explorer? Are the two linked?

Is the Pope Catholic?
Does a bear sh1t in the woods?


Original Poster:

11,104 posts

287 months

Friday 25th July 2003
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Ah. Right.
So a bit of an IE upgrade might do it? I'll give is a go.

1. Yes,
2. I thought bears were extinct?


Original Poster:

11,104 posts

287 months

Friday 25th July 2003
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Stuff it. Bo$$ocks. and Ar$e.

Tried everything, still the same shi$$y message. I have a copy of Win2K somewhere, I'm going to install that.

God I hate chuffing computers, mumble, mumble, groan, mutter, mumble.


7,848 posts

271 months

Saturday 26th July 2003
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pdV6 said:
10 Reformat disk
20 Install Windows
30 GOTO 10

Don't you mean?;

10 Reformat disk
20 Install Linux


Original Poster:

11,104 posts

287 months

Thursday 31st July 2003
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Just for the record, I thought I'd tell you all I have sorted it - to a degree.
It seems the sound card drivers are corrupting it somehow, I reformatted and installed everything application by application, testing Explorer after each install and it was the sound drivers that did it.

All I have to do now is find a driver that doesn't bugger it up, which I may not bother doing as if I install one and it does I have to go through the whole bloody process again.


591 posts

273 months

Thursday 31st July 2003
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You could also try moving the sound card to a different slot.

(Something about IRQ's I think )

Try and keep it away from the processor/video card
to minimise interference.
