A question about Sage.



Original Poster:

2,029 posts

279 months

Wednesday 23rd July 2003
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I have a client who wants an Access database writing, but one feature he would like to be able to do is get information out of his Sage database - Can Access read Sage (or how does Sage save it's data)?




1,676 posts

275 months

Wednesday 23rd July 2003
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You can read only from most tables by using the ODBC driver.

Get External Data > Goto Link Tables > Select ODBC Databases in the "Files of type dialog"

Hunt around for the Sage listing (mine was InstantAccountingV6 or something)

Leave username and password blank then you'll get a list of all the tables.

Hope that helps.

PS I'm write access stuff all the time so give me shout if you need any help.

>> Edited by alunr on Wednesday 23 July 17:18