Banner Help Required


Ballistic Banana

Original Poster:

14,702 posts

278 months

Tuesday 22nd July 2003
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Just a quikie, i am trying to do a banner/heading on a webpage.
I would like to have a picture of my Griffith with some words before it the same size.
I have the Pic but want to insert the Wording.
I have Paintshop pro and photoshop software so must be able to do something with this lot but not to sure how.

Also i have seem to loose the banners om some websites ( not Ph) like Freeserves homepage.
Believe this must be something in my Browser options but cant see where.




90,097 posts

295 months

Tuesday 22nd July 2003
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Hummmm banner problem could be a firewall, are you running one (Zone Alarm or Norton?)

As for creating banners, I either use Ulead GIF Animator for complex or XARA Webstyle for simple ones.

You could try a search on Google for a free or trial GIF animation package, since you seem to have all the graphics you need this might be the best option, especially if you're only going to do it once.

If you have any problems or hit any brickwalls email the pics you have over to me and an idea of what you want done and I'll do it for you.

Ballistic Banana

Original Poster:

14,702 posts

278 months

Tuesday 22nd July 2003
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Cheers FWD
I have Xara 3D so might have a butchers in there.

I have Norton and ZA what are the chances of someone knowing that combo



90,097 posts

295 months

Tuesday 22nd July 2003
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Ballistic Banana said:
Cheers FWD
I have Xara 3D so might have a butchers in there.

I have Norton and ZA what are the chances of someone knowing that combo


You're running Zone & Norton might be a conflict somewhere then or a site that you've edited to allow banner ads on one but not on the other. bored did silly banner (this was about 2 mins of sillyness, simple one)

Can add video to banners plus other stuff to screw up peoples bandwidth