Is it worth Switching to REDHAT 9???

Is it worth Switching to REDHAT 9???



Original Poster:

5,252 posts

278 months

Tuesday 22nd July 2003
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I have been thinking over the past few weeks should i switch from Microsoft to REDHAT 9??

This is for my home network and Automation system.

I have 3 Servers 1 WEB/Mail/ftp, 1 for CCTV, the Other is a File Server with MP3's Pictures etc on (2000Gig Storage)

I have about 6 workstation dotted around the home, a laptop and a PDA.

I have used linux but i dont know it as good as i do windows.

I was going to purchase one instalation set of REDHAT and install it on all put the laptop and PDA.

Anyone work with REDHAT and what the opinon.




7,848 posts

271 months

Tuesday 22nd July 2003
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It depends... My home network is all Unix machines of one kind or another, other than one Windows box I keep for my wife. There's a steep learning curve moving from Windows to Linux unless you've previous Unix experience. If you're interested in learning about Linux, and prepared to put up with the occasional frustration, I'd say go for it.


6,552 posts

295 months

Tuesday 22nd July 2003
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Build a machine, have a play, see what you think.


12,425 posts

277 months

Tuesday 22nd July 2003
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Give it a try! Pick one machine and install the distribution. Should take you twenty minutes (including all apps), when you know, what 'partition' means

Big advantage is, that open source software brings you professional technology at home without spending a fortune!