Need an ADSL modem



Original Poster:

5,613 posts

269 months

Monday 21st July 2003
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Is it safe to buy one of E-Bay?

What should I pay for one?


9,396 posts

269 months

Monday 21st July 2003
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yes, and no more than 40 quid as you can get them for that new


Original Poster:

5,613 posts

269 months

Monday 21st July 2003
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Ok, thanks, I'll have a sniff around.


591 posts

273 months

Monday 21st July 2003
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ADSL modems start at about £35.

A decent branded one would be around £60.

Make sure you go for an external one
(USB) rather than PCI (A card which goes internally).

PCI modems can be a hit and miss affair and use your CPU more
(unlike an external one which has dedicated hardware).


Original Poster:

5,613 posts

269 months

Monday 21st July 2003
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Robertuk said:
ADSL modems start at about £35.

A decent branded one would be around £60.

Make sure you go for an external one
(USB) rather than PCI (A card which goes internally).

PCI modems can be a hit and miss affair and use your CPU more
(unlike an external one which has dedicated hardware).

I've got a USB one, but the network is being expanded and all the other machines need ethernet cable (or whatever it's called) so USB isn't an option.

When you say they start at £35, is that retail or ebay?


21,760 posts

283 months

Monday 21st July 2003
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Have a look at the reviews on

Prices vary with functionality. You can get anything from a basic "modem" (not actually a modem at all) up to a router with firewall, ethernet switch and wireless LAN hub.

I doubt there is much problem connecting one PC to the the router via USB and then sharing it across your LAN. I imagine you'd need to run some server software on the host PC. Alternatively you could get an ADSL router that attaches to your ethernet directly. Personally I'd say that is a better solution. The router should also act as a firewall allowing you to hide your network behind the router's external IP address and giving you some decent security.


8,893 posts

278 months

Monday 21st July 2003
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I used these guys very good service, they know there stuff (unusual these days) and very quick.


591 posts

273 months

Monday 21st July 2003
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I always quote *Retail* as ebay prices can vary.

I personally would use

and yes that is a good solution

a firewall - router and ADSL modem all in.

Its worth going for a good brand as using cheap
brands can be a nightmare.

Most products are under £100 , a couple of years ago a basic ADSL modem would cost at least £150 !


6,552 posts

295 months

Tuesday 22nd July 2003
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Good kit, excellent support


359 posts

261 months

Tuesday 22nd July 2003
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Robertuk said:
ADSL modems start at about £35.

A decent branded one would be around £60.

Make sure you go for an external one
(USB) rather than PCI (A card which goes internally).

PCI modems can be a hit and miss affair and use your CPU more
(unlike an external one which has dedicated hardware).

I think you will find that external USB modems in the main utilise as much if not more than PCI ADSL modems. Maybe you're confusing the fact that some PCI modems do indeed 'borrow' CPU cycles from your processor for their functions; however PCI ADSL modems such as those made by Speedstream (search E-bay and you'll find them for £20+) do not utilise CPU cycles any more than USB ADSL modems. I have used several of these with absolutely no impact on performance whatsoever. More than can be said for my experiences with USB external modems......
Best way forward IMO is to purchase an external ADSL Router. This will incorporate at least one Network connection, a telephony socket and a hardware firewall. Thus allowing you to share the internet connection between more than one computer relatively easily.


Original Poster:

5,613 posts

269 months

Tuesday 22nd July 2003
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I've got an ADSL router with firewall, just after a modem. Thanks for the links guys, I'll have a browse.


Original Poster:

5,613 posts

269 months

Tuesday 22nd July 2003
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I've got an ADSL router with firewall, just after a modem. Thanks for the links guys, I'll have a browse.


67,280 posts

281 months

Tuesday 22nd July 2003
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Just found out that I can now get DSL at home.

Following a link on The Register I found a place called Bulldog that is offering 2mb/sec for £29 a month!

Now, I had BT Openworld DSL back in London and as part of it I got the frog SpeedTouch DSL thing.

Will this cope with 2mb/sec?


21,760 posts

283 months

Wednesday 23rd July 2003
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davidd said:

Good kit, excellent support

Snap. Bought one from these guys a few weeks ago. Good piece of kit.


600 posts

277 months

Wednesday 23rd July 2003
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Plotloss all the ADSL kit sold for use in the UK should support ADSL up to 8MB/s.. that includes the old alcatel frog.


7,412 posts

264 months

Thursday 24th July 2003
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Take a look at the classified section on here. there is one for sale. Green frog.


Original Poster:

5,613 posts

269 months

Thursday 24th July 2003
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d3ano said:
Take a look at the classified section on here. there is one for sale. Green frog.

I got bored at work yesaterday and bought one from the local shop. £85.

f k